🚨☢️ UKRAINE-RUSSIA NUCLEAR WAR ALERT ☢️🚨 General Flynn Warns That The Globalists Are Far From Giving Up And Are Attempting To Use Romania As The Trigger To Officially Bring NATO Into War With Russia!
Die Another Day [00🔫] – Madonna | A Hell of an Accurate Metaphor for What’s Happening INSIDE Many Starseeds NOW. If You Bring Forth What is Within You, What You Bring Forth Will Save You. If You Do Not, What You Do Not Bring Forth Will Destroy You.
Globalist Pedophile Networks Collapsing From The Highest Levels, “You Don’t Get In Those Positions Unless You Rape Children”: Illuminati Coup-Conspiracist CAUGHT IN 2021 Pedo Sting Operation BEFORE James O'Keefe's Undercover Report!
TruthStream #209 Brad Olsen, Friday Night Live! Brad covers Antartica, DUMB's, ET's, MedBeds etc til 2:15:00 then Joe and Scott free flow with the audience til the end