'Gospel Music Insider Shares Her Experience and Her Story About Infidelity and Divorce' Guest, (Rita) Darlene Chapman: The Michelle Moore Show (Dec 17, 2024)
Louisiana State University: "Christians" Defend Their Sin, Skeptics Attack the Bible, I Preach the Gospel of Jesus and The Apathy of the Students Shatters!
University of South Alabama: When I Arrive On Campus Another Campus Preacher (Pastor Jacob) Was Already Preaching, After He Finishes I Preach For About An Hour, Give 200 Gospel Tracts To A Born Again Student Named Brian, Great Day of Gospel Preaching!
University of Florida: Humble Christian Asks About My Preaching Methods, Homosexual Waves Trans Flag In Front of Me, I Contend With A Talmudic Jew About the Messiah, Preaching to Hundreds and Hundreds The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Newly Released Body Cam Footage Proves Trump Assassination Attempt Was Staged, A Quick Healing Ear?, The Gospel of The Anti-Christ Grows, An Article I Wrote About Why Jesus Is Angry With The USA & Why His Judgment Is Coming
University of Florida: Tears Wet My Eyes As I Preach To the Careless Multitudes, A Humble Christian Asks About My Method, A Mocking Lesbian Receives A Gospel Tract, I Really Felt The Anointing Today, The Hour Is SO LATE!
Florida International University (Miami): Heckler Demands To Know What Makes the Bible Special, I Prove the Bible True, Mocking Jew Eventually Takes Gospel Tract, A Few Sincere Christians Encourage Me, A Great Day of Preaching Jesus to the Masses
University of South Alabama: Several Christians Encourage Me & Take Gospel Tracts To Give to Their Friends, One Hypocrite Demands Me To Stop Preaching The Fear of God, A Good Day of Preaching Jesus!
Florida International Univ (Miami): Humble Student Asks Good Questions, Two Skeptics Pepper Me With Questions, An Atheist & Catholic Ask For Proof the Bible Is True, Thousands Hear The Gospel Message!
Florida Atlantic University: 4-5 Really Good One-On-One Discussions with Curious Students, Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Hundreds, Some Mockers But Also Lots of Fruitful Discussions
Here Is A small Glimpse Into The Future Of A.I. Global Governance!!! - The Gospel: Israel turns to a new AI system in the Gaza war The role of AI-enhanced warfare
Mississippi State University: After Preaching Only 30 Minutes My Vocal Cords Crack and Break, I Lose My Voice, Explain to One Student about Judging, Pass Out Lots of Gospel Tracts, Warn Students Of Antichrist Trump and Approaching 7 Year Tribulation
Towson University: Trans Charges Me, Assaults Me, Punches Me 10-15 Times On The Back of My Head, My Arms, My Torso, I Am Contemplating Going to The Hospital, I Manage To Keep Preaching the Gospel For Another 1.5 Hours to A Gathered Crowd of Students
University of West Florida: Spectacular Day As Gabriela and Nicolas Both Seek How To Be Born Again, Answering More Questions, Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ