1. 70 71 Surah Al-anfal God knows of any good in your hearts

    70 71 Surah Al-anfal God knows of any good in your hearts

  2. [17] You did not kill them; it was God who killed them

    [17] You did not kill them; it was God who killed them

  3. 113.Surah Al-Falaq Urdu, English Translation | Protection from Magic, Evil |#quran #quranrecitation

    113.Surah Al-Falaq Urdu, English Translation | Protection from Magic, Evil |#quran #quranrecitation

  4. You [Muhammad PBUH] were on the nearer side of the valley, SURAH AL-ANFAL VERSE 42 44

    You [Muhammad PBUH] were on the nearer side of the valley, SURAH AL-ANFAL VERSE 42 44

  5. Know that one-fifth of your battle gains belongs to God ... #surahalanfal

    Know that one-fifth of your battle gains belongs to God ... #surahalanfal

  6. Fight them until there is no more [religious] persecution surah Al-anfal verse 38 40

    Fight them until there is no more [religious] persecution surah Al-anfal verse 38 40

  7. [5] As it was your Lord who rightfully brought you forth from your house

    [5] As it was your Lord who rightfully brought you forth from your house

  8. [1] They ask you [MUHAMMAD PBUH] about the spoils of war.

    [1] They ask you [MUHAMMAD PBUH] about the spoils of war.

  9. the principle of war surah Al-anfal verse 15-16

    the principle of war surah Al-anfal verse 15-16

  10. Believers Obey Allah and His Messenger surah Al-anfal verse 24 25

    Believers Obey Allah and His Messenger surah Al-anfal verse 24 25

  11. Know that your wealth and children are a trial #SuralAlAnfal verse 26-28

    Know that your wealth and children are a trial #SuralAlAnfal verse 26-28

  12. if you fear God, He will grant you the ability to discriminate between right and wrong

    if you fear God, He will grant you the ability to discriminate between right and wrong

  13. 'So taste the punishment because of your denial.' Surah Al-anfal verse 31-35

    'So taste the punishment because of your denial.' Surah Al-anfal verse 31-35

  14. Those, bent on denying the truth are spending their wealth in debarring others from the path of God

    Those, bent on denying the truth are spending their wealth in debarring others from the path of God

  15. ungrateful men #alquran #surahhud #quran verses

    ungrateful men #alquran #surahhud #quran verses

  16. and what they used to mock at shall encompass them.

    and what they used to mock at shall encompass them.

  17. #surahAlAnfal verse 48-49 Satan made their deeds seem fair to them

    #surahAlAnfal verse 48-49 Satan made their deeds seem fair to them

  18. those who have given refuge 72 73 Surah Al-anfal

    those who have given refuge 72 73 Surah Al-anfal

  19. [67-69 Surah Al-anfal] It is not right for a Prophet to keep captives

    [67-69 Surah Al-anfal] It is not right for a Prophet to keep captives

  20. Surah Al-Tawbah 12-15 But if they break faith after pledging it and revile your religion,

    Surah Al-Tawbah 12-15 But if they break faith after pledging it and revile your religion,

  21. Surah Al-anfal verse 42-44 | Al Quran in english

    Surah Al-anfal verse 42-44 | Al Quran in english

  22. Obey God and His Messenger, and avoid dissension, Surah Al-anfal verse 45 47

    Obey God and His Messenger, and avoid dissension, Surah Al-anfal verse 45 47

  23. Surah Al-anfal verse 55 58 The worst creatures in the be sight of God

    Surah Al-anfal verse 55 58 The worst creatures in the be sight of God
