6 months ago113.Surah Al-Falaq Urdu, English Translation | Protection from Magic, Evil |#quran #quranrecitationAlifStudio
1 year agoYou [Muhammad PBUH] were on the nearer side of the valley, SURAH AL-ANFAL VERSE 42 44shadabpakhtoon
1 year agoFight them until there is no more [religious] persecution surah Al-anfal verse 38 40shadabpakhtoon
1 year agoif you fear God, He will grant you the ability to discriminate between right and wrongshadabpakhtoon
1 year agoThose, bent on denying the truth are spending their wealth in debarring others from the path of Godshadabpakhtoon
11 months agoSurah Al-Tawbah 12-15 But if they break faith after pledging it and revile your religion,shadabpakhtoon