1 year agoN979C N912PA N918PA N440PA N5144X - Bank of UTah War on Arizona using CHINA - March 25th 2024BirdNazisAtKDVT
11 months agoMormon Mafia N195MA N912PA N95TS N5356X still gang bangin from KDVT - Apr 9th 9am -BirdNazisAtKDVT
11 months agoChinaPac N443PA N912PA N3044U N4166H N918PA gang bangin data for March 29th 2024BirdNazisAtKDVT
11 months agoChinaPac Warfare over Arizona - N53339 N443PA N912PA N433PA N35325 N663WT N746PABirdNazisAtKDVT
2 years agoN912PA N53339 N748PA N434PA - Chinese mormon mafia still gang banging - Feb 19th 2023notaeroguard
2 years agoN822PA N912PA N416PA N288PA plane banging US60 as notaeroguard wordpress DOS attacknotaeroguard
2 years agoMormon spy trash 2:32pm N823PA N912PA N4166H N748PA gang warfare by the BANK OF UTAH NAZI SPIESnotaeroguard
2 years agoMetal bird mafia - from UTAH - gang stalking the piss out of US60 - N748PA N912PA N445PA N417PAnotaeroguard
2 years agoN921PA N4131T N443PA N912PA still bee gang plane banging US60 corridor - 2:37pmnotaeroguard
2 years agoNazi Proving Zone N912PA N8647E plane banging US60 and Wittmann AZ for a long timenotaeroguard
1 year agoBird NaziPac China - stuck in gang bang mode over Phoenix Residents - Feb 26th 2024notaeroguard
11 months agoAnother Bank of Utah China AIrplane Invasion Report Slideshow for April 9thBirdNazisAtKDVT
11 months agothe next batch - More Mormon Mafia Spy Planes over Phoenix flown by Chinese kids - Apr 9th 2024BirdNazisAtKDVT
11 months agoMormon Mafia China N663WT over Mormon MAfia Invaded town of Morristown - March 28thnotaeroguard