3 years agoWild Turkey Longbranch Review - The right way to charcoal mellow ! It's better than you think !WhiskeyWars
11 days ago"I Believe, Help My Unbelief", (Mark 9: 14-29), 2025-03-09, Longbranch Community ChurchJPres
5 months ago"The Secret of the Kingdom", (Mark 4: 1-20), 2024-09-29, Longbranch Community ChurchJPres
3 months ago"From Promise to Failure to Fizzle", (various scriptures), 2024-12-08, Longbranch Community ChurchJPres
2 years ago"Like a Lamb to the Slaughter", (Jeremiah 11:18 - 12:6), 2022-09-18, Longbranch Community ChurchMember
2 years ago"Unpopular and Offensive", (Jeremiah Chapter 27), 20232-02-19, Longbranch Community ChurchMember
5 months ago"Pay Attention to What You Hear", (Mark 4: 21-34), 2024-10-06, Longbranch Community ChurchJPres
9 months ago"Repentance Is Essential to the Gospel Message" (Luke 3:1-18) 2024-06-09 Longbranch Community ChurchJPres