7 months agoGENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS, POISONING THE NATURAL CROP & NATURAL SEED: 60% CANCER RATE, MONSANTO STARTED TO PUT PESTICIDES INTO SEEDS, NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS. “but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” 🕎Ezekiel 4;10-16 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
2 years agoSpring has sprung. Hanging out with the baby pygmy and Nigerian dwarf goats, baby kid goats dancingdreams on a little patch of dirt
1 year agoEtna Erupts - 'Atmospheric River' To Blast Pacific Northwest - Hawaii Snow - Geomagnetic Storm WatchRolling With You
1 month agoThe Kingdom of God 4 - The Progress and Triumph of the Kingdom - Steve GreggThe Narrow Path
1 year agoLuke 8 Glad Tidings of the Kingdom of God - Bible Teaching by Steve Gregg of The Narrow PathThe Narrow Path
18 days agoEp60: Hydroponics, Open Border Ramifications - Suicide Bombers, Harmful Plants for LivestockThe Kershner Files
18 days agoThe Kershner Files | Ep60: Hydroponics, Open Border Ramifications - SuicideContra Radio Network