Trump Cabinet Picks | Susie Wiles Chosen As Chief of Staff + Who Will Trump Pick to Be In His Cabinet? Will Elon Musk, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Mike Pompeo Make the Cut In Trump's Cabinet? Who Is Elon Musk?
Speaker Of The House | Is the Republican Party Choosing a World Economic Forum Member to Become the Speaker of the House? PRO TIP: When In Doubt, DON'T VOTE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM MEMBERS INTO LEADERSHIP POSITIONS
75 DAYLILY FLOWER VARIETIES, DAYLILIES COME IN MYRIAD COLORS & SHAPES: 🕎2 Esdras 5;23-29 And among all the multitudes of people thou hast gotten thee one people: And of all lands of the whole world thou hast chosen thee one pit: and of all the flow
Elon Musk & Grimes | Why Did Grimes Wear a Vantablack Crown to the 2018 MET Gala While Elon Musk Chose to Wear a Jack Reading ‘NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM’ (MEANING ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’)? Vantablack, Marburg, Hydrogel, COVID-19 Vaccines, etc.
Adam Hardage | “The Level Of Evil That Is Present In This Country And In This World Right Now Is Epic. I Will Tell You, You Are Not Crazy. You Are Right & You Have Been Chosen.” - Adam Hardage