1. The B.A.R. British Accreditation Registry ended on 31.08.2019 & since 1953,and all Crown Courts and Judges (all courts) ended on the 31.08.2019 as all civil and crown institutions
2. The B.A.R. British Accreditation Registry ended on 31.08.2019 & since 1953,and all Crown Courts and Judges (all courts) ended on the 31.08.2019 as all civil and crown institutions
Rothschild CORPORATE "GOVERNMENT" SPENDING, EQUALS INCREASE DEBT FOR THE U.S. SHEEPLE -- BRITISH CROWN ROTHSCHILD U.S. CORPORATION on Track to Add $19 Trillion in New Counterfeit, non existent, Debt, to be paid by Rothschild U.S. CITIZENS