I don't care what your religion is Or What your Hair Looks Like! Can we talk about how electronic warefare is your new e-health one-Health 4.0. System under SDG#3 Human Augmentation Biodigital Convergence?
While You Live In Belief Systems Based On What You Where Told The Government Keeps Going To Work On R&D, Building Industry With Standardization/Policies Marketshare And Deployments! IT'S JUST BIOCONVERGENCE 6G BUSINESS!
Is the phone that you use everyday Connected to Telecommunications systems? How about your Body? ITU-IEEE-NSF-NNI DOESN'T DO CONSPIRACY THEORY THEY DO BUSINESS! 6G BUSINESS!
Senator Alex Antic exposes how the Australian people have been “duped” by health officials like Professor Paul Kelly. Australia was operating under a international treaty written by the W.H.O.
None of you have Defined the Bio-Cyber Interface-eHealth 6G Biodigital Convergence Healthcare 4.0. - Maria Zeee & HOPE @Infowars misrepresented ITU Ian F Akyildiz PANACEA-IoBnT Interface as 'Mark of the Beast, worn on right hand'