5 months agoMatthew, Mark, Luke, John (Passover AD 28 to Passover AD 29), Order of EventsHoly Bible - Order of Events
2 years agoO nascimento de Sansão é anunciado por um anjo - Juízes 13,2-7.24-25a - Salmos 70(71) - Lucas 1,5-25Bíblia Narrada Todo Dia
1 year agoEvangelho do dia / Liturgia Diária - Rm 7,18-25a - Sl 118(119) - Lc 12,54-59Bíblia Narrada Todo Dia
5 months agoMatthew, Mark, Luke, John (The Messiah's Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension), Order of EventsHoly Bible - Order of Events
5 months agoMatthew, Mark, Luke, John (Passover AD 29 to Passover AD 30), Order of EventsHoly Bible - Order of Events