Kanye (End-Time) Ritual, Dark Side of the System Fallen? Sunshine=Jessie's Ritual Name + Marilyn Manson, Kim Kardashian, Immolation + The Phoenix Position, The Great Apostasy, False Christs vs Anti-Christ, The Light Side Will Raise Up the Anti-Christ
Gloria Vanderbilt, Dark Black Magick, Drowned Babies and Taxidermy + She Kept the Remains of Victims, Had a Hidden Room Under the Stables + Doll Houses and Window Boxes
Prayer as a Weapon, Molech Got Stuck in the Floor because the Spiritual Gate was Closed, Couldn't Possess Jessie's Training Partner + Angels, Protectors + Cleanse the Lepers, Heal the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cast Out Demons + Origin of the Gates
The Wrath of God, Applauding Evil and Encouraging Others to Engage in It, Quota System Used in the Luciferian Brotherhood, Evil Builds Up Over Time + CNN, Anderson Cooper, Creating the Narrative
Lucifer Falls, Trafficking, Finger Lakes Connects via The Great Waterways to The Great Lakes in the Chicago & Wisconsin Area + Ley Lines, Spiritual Component + North by Northwest
ROR#199 The Anti-Christ, The Great Apostasy, JFK + The 4 'P's: The Prophet, The Priest, The Phoenix and The Pindar + The 4 Kings. Are The 4 'P's and the 4 Kings 8 of the 10 Horns?
Spells, Hexes and Witchy Activity + Masonic Bible, Red Flags, Ritual, Three Great Lights, Operating Under the Guise of Christianity, Brotherhood, 'Humility'
Illuminati Recruiters and Criticism from Christians Who Say Only Focus Only on Jesus + Jessie's Mischief, Engaging with Satanists, The Lord Desires That None Shall Perish + How Else do You Get Them All Out?
Satan Present at Neuschwanstein Castle for Protector Battle, 11 Thrones (5 Mothers Of Darkness and 5 Successors and Satan Himself) + Vial on Satan's Necklace to Hold Jessie's Blood
Book of Revelations Chapter 3, Lukewarm Christians, Masons + Corrie Ten Boom Story about a Car (heart) that is too Full, We Must Be Adaptable + People are Deceived to Believe in Satan but not God
Hierarchy Children, Given Enemas as Part of their Conditioning + Beyoncé and Jay Z, They Use Signs for Comms + How to Behave in the Presence of Higher Ups in the System + Book of Job, Satan in the Throne Room of God
The Standard Hotel + Military Analyst, 75% of DUMBs Have Reportedly Now Fallen, Earthquakes vs Underground Bombs, Different Seismic Readings + The Importance of Donald Trump, Control of the Levers of Power