63 days to go. Creepy Joe goes to Brasil to spend Billions of US taxpayer money to "reforest" the Amazon forest: "We don't have to choose between the environment and the economy. We can do both. We've proven it back home."
Doctor Simone Gold | “For The First Time The Government Has Now Set Up A Way To Track People Who Choose Not To Get The COVID Shot. There Is Now A Specific Code Doctors Now Put In Your Chart If You Choose Not To Take The Shot. It’s Called Z28.3.” Dr.
Anthropocene | What Is the Anthropocene? What Did Grimes Choose to Name Her Album Miss Anthropocene, Which Prophesied COVID-19? Why Are Harari, the WEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & Jeff Bezos Discussing the Anthropocene?
Sen. Josh Hawley: "You've got leadership at the FBI that wants to run presidential campaigns, that thinks that they should be able to choose who the president is"