The Fireside Chats #9 ~ Christmas with the Chosen...

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The Fireside Chats #9 ~ Christmas with the Chosen...

5:30pm PST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST, 1:30am UK Time, 2:30am SAST, 10:30am Sydney Australia, 12:30pm Wellington NZ

Colleen and I will be LIVE tonight with a very special show, featuring our Guests, Justin, Aaron and Pam for Fireside Chat #9…this Episode will focus upon all of the Amazing Movies and Shows that are now Flooding the Airwaves that are Powerful White Hat Productions that are RE-Programming the Minds of the Many back towards the Truth, which IS God…we will be talking about Netflix, Amazon Prime and Apple TV, amongst other providers, that have FLIPPED Right Side Up and are now broadcasting the Truth in Plain Sight, featuring STRONG Masculine and Feminine Leaders who are Doing the Right Thing, when the Moment calls…

We will also be speaking about CHRIST MASS, it’s True Meaning and Purpose, and why it is a VERY special Moment of the Year, as it symbolizes the Fall of Man, so that we may RISE once more…Christmas has now become Perverted and Commercialized; however, what Christ Mass truly represents is SPECIAL beyond description, and like all things, must the DONE RIGHT, not Wrong, so that we can come into HEALING, 24/7/365…

And we will conclude the Show tonight, by watching together the CHRIST MASS Special from the The Chosen, shown last Christmas, as to the BORNING of Baby Jesus and the Fate of the Apostles after the Crucifixion of Christ…it is an extremely well done episode, and U will enjoy it very, very much!

Remember, this show tonight represents the Red Pill, which is the Truth, nothing more…you choose to either accept it and the challenge to Do the Work to make your Life better, or your reject it, taking the Blue Pill, waking up tomorrow mourning in your Bed, remembering none of this…the Choice is Yours…so Choose, but Choose Wisely...

So, make sure you join us for this MAGICAL show tonight, as you will be blown away by all that is revealed and the connections that we make...

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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