2 years agoMarch 2, 2015 🇺🇸 JESUS SPEAKS about Rapture, Events, Nibiru, Yellowstone, Muslims, Russia and bred CreaturesAlien Agenda EN & DE
2 years agoThe highways to HEAVEN are filled with POTHOLES... until you learn HOW TO GLIDE your ways with ease🌟starrevelations
2 years agoRaise Your Own Gauntlet to LET THE GAMES BEGIN... then "Give Ways to SOMETHING MORE" to come forwardstarrevelations
2 years agoSweet, Sweet SERENITY Comes & Goes... but LIFE'S ESSENCE is "Reproducing" Great Thinking Thoughts!!💖starrevelations
2 years agoTo be ENERGETIC ATTRACTIONS in the GAME OF LIFE... We Must BECOME LIKE "Magnets!!"💫 #greatlifestarrevelations
2 years agoWhat SMACKS with all of the "Desires of the Universe"... but then KICKS BACK with "Elastic Sense!?"starrevelations
2 years agoThe CALL is coming from "Inside the House"... are you LISTENING!? You are ENERGETIC "Light Beings!!"starrevelations
2 years agoPROJECTING Yourselves, just means to come forward AS MORE... because You have STEPPED UP As That🔥🦅starrevelations
2 years agoWe, the Divine are not here TO JUDGE YOU, No... You are only JUDGING YOURSELVES for No Reason(s)🔥🦅starrevelations
2 years ago#2 INCANTATIONS or COMMANDS are Descriptions on Steroids! "Vroom Vroom"🚗 #peakperformance #ascensionstarrevelations
2 years agoGod Says, "Speak to Us" as though YOU WERE ALREADY A GIANT in the Universe of EXPANSION🔥🦅starrevelations
2 years ago🌟Divinely Channeled Card Readings... HOW DOES THE "Spiritual Ascension Process" AFFECT OUR LIVES!?🌟starrevelations
2 years agoINCANTATIONS or COMMANDS are Descriptions on Steroids... "Vroom, Vroom"🚗 #peakperformance #ascensionstarrevelations
1 year ago"What Does The Bible Say?" Series - Topic: Predestination, Part 53: Luke 4BibleReadingFellowship