10 months agoMAJOR VICTORY Massive Study CRUSHES Anti-Mag Arguments! NSSF NAGR study + analysisTom Grieve
1 year agoOwn Guns? SPOT + STOP Police + ATF Searches: Knock and Talk, Warrants, Plain View, Exigent And MoreTom Grieve
1 year agoPrecursor to ATF Home Raids? ATF Agents Put You on Notice, Government Tracks Search History?Tom Grieve
8 months agoLIBERTY or CRIMINALS: What is 2nd Amendment for? Court Picks a side in gun range case, MichiganTom Grieve
11 months agoSUPREME COURT Favorite Teaches 2nd Amendment History: English Gun Rights 1680-1820 Dr. Joyce MalcolmTom Grieve
8 months agoOBSCURE Rule BANS GUNS all over state. Lawsuit says NO. Wisconsin DNR BANS firearms, will law fall?Tom Grieve
5 months agoCourt DESTROYS Machine Gun Ban: Are They Legal Now?! Back on the Menu? FOPA, Hughes, and 922(o)Tom Grieve
1 year agoGovernment TELLS Citizens to Carry Guns?! Israel Knows More Guns In the Citizen Hands Saves LivesTom Grieve
1 year agoEnd Conceal Carry Laws? Court Strikes Down Law NATIONWIDE carry Implicated in Commonwealth v DonnellTom Grieve
1 year agoFACEBOOK JAIL: Gun Dealers doing HARD Time Kris Maves Owner of Select Fire Weaponry ExplainsTom Grieve
1 year agoIL Supreme Court Upholds AR15 and Magazine Ban! Illinois Supreme Ct Protect Illinois Communities ActTom Grieve
1 year agoDeadly Force Laws RANKED! Most Important? Stand Your Ground v. Castle Doctrine v. ConstitutionalTom Grieve
1 year agoSupreme Court Next?! BIG 2a Federal Case Antonyuk v. Hochul, Conceal Carry and Sensitive LocationsTom Grieve
1 year agoHIGH STAKES. New Mexico. Let's GO! Public Health Emergencies + 2nd Amendment Constitutional CrisisTom Grieve
10 months agoTHOUSANDS of Machine Guns DESTROYED! Why? Firearms FFL Expert Michael KwiatkowskiTom Grieve
1 year agoLarry Vickers GUILTY ATF Raids? Violating Import Laws Sanctions Law Enforcement Demonstration LetterTom Grieve
11 months agoCOURT ORDERS YouTube viewer personal data on videos, names, address, phone number IP AddressesTom Grieve