Silicon Valley Bank | "It's Important That People Understand They Can Be Bailed In, But You Don't Want a HUGE Run On the Institution, But, There Are Going to Be." - FDIC (11/22) Fact: FDIC Insures $9 Trillion of Bank Deposits w/ $125 B
COVID-19 Shots | "Before COVID-19 Vaccines There Were 4 Cases of Myocarditis Per Million. The Current Estimates Are Now 25,000 Cases Per Million, Myocarditis Is Due To the COVID-19 Vaccines Until Proven Otherwise." - Dr. Peter McCullough
PRESIDENT TRUMP WON ARIZONA IN 2020! There Were 58,550 ILLEGAL Ballots Cast In Maricopa County & Election Needs To Be SET ASIDE / NULL & VOID. MOST candidates Illegitimately In Office Now! EVIDENCE = Official Canvass Report