1. Scriptural Truth: Why The Cursing of Canaan by Noah Explained

    Scriptural Truth: Why The Cursing of Canaan by Noah Explained

  2. clif high - Major Anouncement, Changes on the Earth Like You've Never Seen

    clif high - Major Anouncement, Changes on the Earth Like You've Never Seen

  3. Geological Evidence Shows Great Sphinx is 800,000 Years Old According to Scientists, Ken Swartz

    Geological Evidence Shows Great Sphinx is 800,000 Years Old According to Scientists, Ken Swartz

  4. Catastrophic Wildfires in California Destroying Entire Towns, Only 5% Contained

    Catastrophic Wildfires in California Destroying Entire Towns, Only 5% Contained

  5. Trump Unchained, No Conspiring with Russia, Now What? Latest Market Trends, Crypto News, Bob Kudla

    Trump Unchained, No Conspiring with Russia, Now What? Latest Market Trends, Crypto News, Bob Kudla

  6. Bayer Faces Over 11,000 Lawsuits Because of Roundup Cancer Risks, Latest

    Bayer Faces Over 11,000 Lawsuits Because of Roundup Cancer Risks, Latest

  7. Passengers Quarantined After Vomiting on Flight - Ebola or Bad Water?

    Passengers Quarantined After Vomiting on Flight - Ebola or Bad Water?

  8. State of Emergency Declared in Wisconsin, Major Electrical Fires by Capitol & Flooding, Latest

    State of Emergency Declared in Wisconsin, Major Electrical Fires by Capitol & Flooding, Latest

  9. 2nd Worst Ebola Oubreak Ever, Spreads to 33 New Zones, WHO Says NO to Travel Restrictions

    2nd Worst Ebola Oubreak Ever, Spreads to 33 New Zones, WHO Says NO to Travel Restrictions

  10. Modifying Humanity for the Antichrist, Ancient Cuneiform Translated, Pastor Paul Begley

    Modifying Humanity for the Antichrist, Ancient Cuneiform Translated, Pastor Paul Begley

  11. The DNA Cloud, Anunnaki Manipulating the Neural Networks of Our Universe - Elizabeth April

    The DNA Cloud, Anunnaki Manipulating the Neural Networks of Our Universe - Elizabeth April

  12. Ebola Outbreak Severe, Military Considers Deploying Armies to Assist Vaccinating Tens of Millions

    Ebola Outbreak Severe, Military Considers Deploying Armies to Assist Vaccinating Tens of Millions

  13. WH Releases Report on Catastrophic Energy Grid Failure & Solar Output at Minimum, Greg Allison

    WH Releases Report on Catastrophic Energy Grid Failure & Solar Output at Minimum, Greg Allison

  14. Most Paranormal Place on the Planet - UFO's, Vortexes & Aliens - Footage

    Most Paranormal Place on the Planet - UFO's, Vortexes & Aliens - Footage

  15. New Orleans Under Water, Hurricane On the Way, Latest Flooding & Tropical Storm Barry Warning

    New Orleans Under Water, Hurricane On the Way, Latest Flooding & Tropical Storm Barry Warning
