1. Brave Dr. Says “No,” He Will Not Stop Using Ivermectin to Treat COVID

    Brave Dr. Says “No,” He Will Not Stop Using Ivermectin to Treat COVID

  2. top 10 philosophers of all time

    top 10 philosophers of all time

  3. GIC: The Falsities and Truths of the Akashic Grid

    GIC: The Falsities and Truths of the Akashic Grid

  4. GIC: The Myths Surrounding Soul Contracts, the False Incarnation Grid, and Giving Consent

    GIC: The Myths Surrounding Soul Contracts, the False Incarnation Grid, and Giving Consent

  5. GIC LOST EPISODE: When One Haunts Their Own Existence, Can Negative Entities Exploit?

    GIC LOST EPISODE: When One Haunts Their Own Existence, Can Negative Entities Exploit?

  6. GIC: The Untold Story of the Power of Pyramids

    GIC: The Untold Story of the Power of Pyramids

  7. GIC: Personal Responsibility; the Pitfalls & Struggles of Spiritual Growth

    GIC: Personal Responsibility; the Pitfalls & Struggles of Spiritual Growth

  8. GIC: Mars, Phobos and Deimos Monoliths, the Nacht Waffen, & The A.I. God

    GIC: Mars, Phobos and Deimos Monoliths, the Nacht Waffen, & The A.I. God

  9. GIC: The Misnomers of the Mandela Effect . #themandelaeffect

    GIC: The Misnomers of the Mandela Effect . #themandelaeffect

  10. GIC: Nibiru, the Planet X Pole Shift, and the Flat Earth Conspiracy - #nibiru #planetx #flatearth

    GIC: Nibiru, the Planet X Pole Shift, and the Flat Earth Conspiracy - #nibiru #planetx #flatearth

  11. GIC: When Change is on the Horizon, One Must Hit the Ground Running and Move Forever Forward

    GIC: When Change is on the Horizon, One Must Hit the Ground Running and Move Forever Forward

  12. GIC: Gods and Titans, Part 2, The Artistic and Spiritual World of Frank Frazetta #frankfrazetta

    GIC: Gods and Titans, Part 2, The Artistic and Spiritual World of Frank Frazetta #frankfrazetta

  13. GIC: Conflicting Agendas, Q and A, Episode #2 - (Excerpt)

    GIC: Conflicting Agendas, Q and A, Episode #2 - (Excerpt)
