March 10, 2021 🇺🇸 JESUS WARNS... Demon Aliens and fallen Angels will be cast down to Earth and perform a Show

2 years ago

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Demon Aliens & Fallen Angels will be cast down to Earth and perform a Show

March 10, 2021 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord give us His courage, wisdom, and stamina… Amen

My dear ones, I am going to begin with the good news. If you know Jesus and have deep and true faith, be confident that there is nothing in this universe, be it man, animal, ET, disease, comets, lava, tsunamis, etc., that can resist a command spoken in absolute confidence… ‘In the Name of Jesus Christ, STOP!’ or be gone, cease and desist, be bound, etc.

No created thing can resist His power. The challenge is to speak those words with total conviction that what you have commanded is His will, and that you are convinced of the power of His Name.

Here the story of a Christian who had just surrendered his life to Jesus. He was on a hike in Montana with his Christian friend. All of a sudden, they were charged by a female Grizzly bear, which had cubs off in the grass that they did not see them. Before he even knew what he was doing he shouted… ‘In the Name of Jesus, STOP.’ And she stopped, turned to the side, and walked away. He had just received Jesus as His Savior, but that was enough to give him the authority to stop a charging Grizzly. Please remember this in case you have any encounters with demon aliens.

(Jesus) “I know you are confused, Beloved. First, you must understand that the symbolism in Scripture can be applied to many different layers of civilization, in many different layers of time, and, at the same time, have dual meanings, and they tend to repeat themselves. For instance, there have been many Anti-Christs. Consider Nero and Caligula, Hitler, and many others. They could all be described as Anti-Christs. I could go on and on, but rather than make this message unbearably long, let us stick to the topic.

“You are correct when you realized that the demon aliens will be cast down to the earth, and they will perform a show by filling the skies. It is true that encounters have been steadily occurring and continue to happen. Governments have entered into agreements with them, giving them permission to abduct and use the people of the earth to complete their experiments to create lookalikes and clones for their demons to inhabit.””

(Clare) But I recently heard that President Trump did not renew the treaty with the grays, and they are presently being escorted out of the solar system. Even the tunnels that are being blown up in the underground cities have an extremely high gray population in some areas.

(Jesus) “The crux of the matter is Satan’s lust for power, dominion and worship first, and the secondary matter is the desire to destroy humankind and the earth, because of insatiable jealousy. This is why his hatred is so hot. He despises men, because they are loved by US, meaning Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He despises the earth, because it was created beautiful by US for mankind. He cannot touch US, but he can hurt our creation, and the ones we love, and in doing so, hurt US.

“So, his agenda is double-sided. One… Get man to worship him, and two: destroy man and the earth. He thinks that by giving man superior technologies, things that only the higher angels understand, he can then present himself as God and receive worship. You are correct when you said that there is no such thing as a good extra-terrestrial or alien. They are all demons who have created bodysuits of different kinds to exploit those of the Earth, those who We created and gave a spirit from the very heart of the Father. They will try and convince you of their benevolence.

“They have taken what WE have created and reverse-engineered it to make bodies for demon entities to inhabit. The supposed Federations of Light, etc., are highly intelligent fallen angels, and the lesser demons in body suits, according to their levels in Satan’s kingdom. Pleiadeans, Venusians, tall whites, and hybrids appearing as human, as well as grays, are all spiritual beings from the demonic realm, who rebelled against the Father and were cast out of Heaven.

“They have been cast out of the third heaven, soon to be cast out of the second heaven, and will make a show of grand force being cast down to earth. This is how the great appearance will manifest. Saucers and other spacecrafts will fill the skies. They will invite the foolish to step into their vehicles.”

(Clare) Ezekiel had a dream about this years ago, but his guardian angel prevented him, and for good reason. He started to walk towards one of the crafts, because he loves to fly, and his guardian angel appeared in front of him and said… ‘No, don’t go in there’, so he turned around and came back.

(Jesus) “My people, you are to have nothing to do with these demons posing as highly evolved beings. Their knowledge is highly evolved, because they are angels, but their motive is to destroy you. Have nothing to do with them. I repeat Myself, have nothing to do with them. Use My Name to make them leave. That will show you exactly what you need to know about their true nature.

“These supposedly beautiful creatures of a higher order, of even a higher moral order, are, in essence, just rebellious angels that will be cast down to earth, forbidden access to the second heaven, where they have dwelt for millenniums, using mind and energy control, enlisting support from ambitious men, deceiving, manipulating, giving superior technology, in the hopes of winning the trust and favor of man, so that Satan may finally have the adoration of humankind, made in God’s image, and thereby fulfilling his desire to be honored above God.

“When they see Me coming on the clouds of Heaven, this deception will be broken and they will see the truth as it is, not as they would have it to be. Those who do not know Me will worship him, and that way his lust for power will be satisfied, that is, until I come and put him in his wretched place, the lake of fire, for one thousand years. Scripture has warned you…

“And then, the lawless one shall be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth and bring to naught with the manifestation of His coming. The coming is against the working of Satan, with all his power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order for them to be saved. And for this reason God sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the lie, in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12)

(Jesus) “My people, these new technologies (Tesla, Med Beds, free energy, 5D consciousness) are all part of the universe I created, and these angels, understanding such things, are going to try and convince you that these are a part of their higher consciousness and their God connection, which is more highly evolved than yours.

“The fallen ones are members of that universe, with the ability to see how it works and manipulate it to their nefarious ends. They will use these technologies as a Trojan Horse, to offer souls another faith, powerful with signs and wonders to deceive even the elect, if that were possible. That is a quote from Scripture. What I am saying is that the inventions themselves are neutral and even good, however, the ones who have brought these to you are demonic beings and fallen angels.”

(Clare) Lord, what is this Galactic Federation of Light?

(Jesus) “You have found one of the many expressions of this supposedly ‘new’ spiritual movement. Do remember that before Satan fell, he was called Lucifer, the light bearer. This is the Great Deception I speak about in the Scriptures.”

“I hope this paints a clearer picture for you, My Love. I know how you have struggled with this, you still smelled a rat, and now I am explaining it in such a way that all Heartdwellers will understand. The technology is wonderful, those who gave it to you, however, have only your destruction in mind. They are not coming to earth because they ran out of resources in their own galaxies; they are coming to earth because they are being forced here by My angels.

“They are being thrown out of the second heaven and thrown down to earth, because this is the time of the great cleansing that must take place first, before I come and set all things right. I am gathering them together and will send them to the Lake of Fire. And the government will be on My shoulders, not the supposed Galactic Federation of Light, which is only a cover for Satan’s nefarious agendas. This scenario appeals to the intellectual who is inclined to the spiritual mysteries, seeking the wisdom of the unseen world that does not smack of fundamentalism, which is perceived as unsophisticated and provincial.”

(Clare) Oh, my dear ones, this is one of the hardest messages I have ever had to give you. I am warning you of the Great Deception that is about to fall upon all of mankind. It has already established itself in the New Age community and has been called The Great Awakening, The 5D world, and in the 60’s, the Age of Aquarius. But now it is fully structured and fleshed out and about to entrap the people of the earth. Dear ones, pray for their eyes to be opened. Pray for deliverance. Pray that you will continue to stand during the trial.

(Jesus) “My Brides, I adore you, and Our day is coming, truly it is. Stay prepared, keep watch, and even now return to your first love if you have been led off into distractions, return to Me Beloved, I wait for you. Return to Me.

“Because of your intimacy with Me, you will survive this attempt to worship another God. There is no God but Father, Son and Holy Spirit, working as One, yet distinctly separate in nature, and I took on your human nature and the limitations you live in, and gave up My Body to torture, just to have you with Me.

“Please do not ever forget that, and do not forget I hold you tenderly, in utter purity in My Eternal Arms, and you shall never lack My Love. Open your eyes to My Presence and this love that has no limits. Rest in My Arms, Rest in My Words, rest in My promises, and have confidence that we are One heart, One mind, in One body in Me, Jesus Christ.”

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