( -0828 ) Why Did Mysterious Drones Pick New Jersey - Good Guys? - Tracking? - Blue Beam? - Is NJ (Such as Grover's Mill) the Perfect Setting for a Psyop?
( -0830 ) UFO Disclosure Psyop, White Hats Threat-Tracking, or Worldwide Push For New Laws -Problem-Reaction-Solution ( & Clif High's 2009 Web Bot Prediction )
( -0802 ) But You Knew That When You Laid Down - DiCaprio, Oprah, Ellen, Usher, Bad Bunny, & the Rest - Truth's Not Yet Out, But Holly Wood Soul-Sellers, You Know Who You Are
( -0820 ) We're Distracted by Boozy & Sleepy While Others Control This World's Chaos From Offstage - If It Were the Movies, Villains Would Be Planning Assassinations, False Flag U.S. Cyberattacks, Bird Flu, & Dirty Nukes
( -0816 ) Remember When Hillary Was First Told She'd Be In Jail? Notice How Much Wider The Net Is? The System's Lost It's Grip & Panic's Exposing Them Even More
( -0803 ) Jenna Griswold's (CO SoS) Words Come Back to Haunt Her in New Election Integrity-Related Lawsuit - also Conservative Columnist Hugh Hewitt Resigns on Air, Etc