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๐Ÿ”ดPart #2 ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ FOLLOW FRIENDS

1 year ago
Entertainment Conspiracies hoax conspiracytheory conspiracytheorist TDS conspiracy astheworldturns as the world turns jimbaker jim baker fbi cia john durham sussman hillaryclinton hillary clinton dossier russiagate russia gate q qanon anon anons wwg1wga jewelyblue julieblue soapoperas jeffrey epstein jeffreyepstein ghislainemaxwell pizza gate pizzagate hrc bho followthepen watch the water watchthewater aliceinwonderland alice tylerperry tyler perry wwg1wga elonmusk elon musk jewelyblue jewely jewels border crisis soapoperas jimjordan followthepen watchthewater carisjames littlestjames epstein island 11.3 911 183 38 83 childtrafficking trafficking humantrafficking satan hollywood pedowood twitter truthsocial truth social 8chan 4chan 8 chan 4 chan halfchan pol dna chromakey cgi cgibiden greenscreen greenspace bluescreen atlanta georgia arizona karilake biden trump wwg1wga presidenttrump conspiracy conspiracytheory conspiracy theory preystogether constitution amendments treason highcrimes subversion sedition j6 storming of the capitol stormthecapital kamala kamalaharris 2020election elonmusk elon musk DJT treason sedition constitution tyranny midterms bordercrisis twitterfiles kevinmccarthy kevin mccarthy nancypelosi pelosi speakerofthehouse speaker of the house qdrop pedo pedophilia chyna ukraine russia putin aliceinwonderland aliceandwonderland disney shpylchyna mattgaetz matt gaetz fbi cia doj fauci anthonyfauci pentagon jenpsaki psaki peterdoocy doocy FOXnews CNN MSNBC CBS NIH NBC DHS liberals socialists communism LGBT diedsuddenly woke MLK martinlutherking joebiden joe biden dementia dementiajoe australia masks wethepeople abuse georgebush george bush GeorgeWBush JebBush Jeb Bush billclinton bill clinton twitterfiles twitter files tyrenichols tyre nichols georgefloyd george floyd caris james falseflag falseflags BLM CRT criticalracetheory tuckercarlson tucker carlson donaldjohntrump cloning greenscreen bluescreen AI artificialintelligence superbowl benshapiro piersmorgan youtube eastpalestine palestineohio ohio derailment train trainderailment vinylchlorine ww3 ww111 worldwarthree worldwar3 biolabs cnn cnnsucks savannahguthrie election walterreed COVID-19 CV19 lawfulinterception lawful interception owlseyes owl benghazi osamabinladen binladen osama nuclearland disneyworld epsteinisland fantasyland fantasyisland mickeymouse generalflynn michaelflynn flynn reagan ronaldreagan demons evil satan nooneisabovethelaw fantasyislandadultbookstore fantasyisland savannahguthrie NBC laptopfromhell hunterbiden hunter biden trumprally rally corn pesticide deepstate tiktok meltdown RBG democrats libs liberals truthsocial telegram sirwinstonchurchill vaccination drmartin 1999 jfkjr jfk kennedy johnkennedy indictment trumparrest morkandmindy morkfromork robinwilliams dylanmulvaney trans tranny cureforcancer cancer budweiser blackrock fednow dahlilama suckingtongue satanic pedophiles democide genocide drmartin davidmartin murderhornets wasps SARS billbarr optics ronaldreagan SWC pepe news hawley NASA facemask mask siliconefacemask cgibiden benshapiro shapiro kaleigh kaleighmcenany standwithtucker budweiser anheuser budlight dannyelfman alice aliceinwonderland anthonyweiner anthonywiener wienerlaptop igreport durhamreport rickyschroder cult illuminati inauguration fraud georgebush unvaccinated anti-vaxer donlemon pandemic target lifetouch lifetouchphotography leswexner wexner labcorp lab corp chuckecheese wayfair chrissyteigen teigen johnlegend ladygaga rihanna certascan billgates visproware leonblack apolloglobal standardhotel andrebalazs hyaluronicacid pinealgland pineal roosters whaling boycotttarget target boycott glennmiller davidmartin david martin billgates klausschwab rfkjr robertkennedyjr kennedy corn bioweapons HIV jameswoods MAPS lgbtq lgbt billofrights 37 indictments doublejeopardy batwoman jesus turinshroud shroud turin melaleuca stevebannon bannon miles guai guao ccp sistercities pompeo midland travisscott demon astroworld leegreenwood godblesstheusa soundoffreedom ai disney aliens ufo ufos grassley plaskett maralago breitbart racist indoctrination colleges universities nazis reich kevinmcconnell mcconnell insurance elon mauifires lahaina fema jessewatters israel palestine palestinians egypt war israelis jimjordan jordan ufo ufos psyop demonic psyops biometrics crytometrics kindercare olanmills matthewperry perry matthew chandlerbing bing chandler

๐ŸŸก You won't believe how many COINCIDENCES there are between FRIENDS & Rachel Chandler's life

๐Ÿ”ต Matthew Perry was a Comm, frens

๐Ÿ”ดMore videos like this:
๐ŸŸกRumble: https://rumble.com/search/video?q=jewelyblue
๐Ÿ”ตBitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jewelyblue/
๐Ÿ”ดTruth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@JewelyBlue
๐ŸŸกTelegram: https://t.me/qanon17jewelyblue
๐Ÿ”ตX - JewelyBlue - @hollywood2pt0

Special Thanks:
"I'll Be There For You" by the Rembrandts
"Sky Falls" cover by Our Last Night (originally Adele)


  • 0/2000
  • Wow Jewley that was amazing. Shivers down my back. You are shit hot at this, your video skills and research and decoding skills. If we make it through this shit I think you are going to be a really famous artist as you can't just leave it at that. You must get into making wholesome movies the family should be watching. Thanx for all you do. Lots o love, stay safe and God bless.โค๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘‹

  • Remember that wreck that involved lab monkeys in Pennsylvania? I think if was Pennsylvania. Some lady went up to a cage, and a monkey took a swipe at her. The huge elephant in the room was, why were there lab monkeys being shipped by truck and trailer?

  • Do you know all those viruses have patent numbers like the Zika virus?

  • Amazing Decoding Brain and Insight you have graciously shared with the rest of the world !!! You are one of my favorite channels - unfortunately you are underwatched, underappreciated, However, your genius will be recognized in the Akashic Records for eternity and your works will be revealed to ALL, One Day Very Soon !!!!

  • Talk about timing, Matthew Perry dead at 54.

  • They really are sick

  • Also - Green is the name Mengele used here in the US after WW2

  • Do you know all those viruses have patent numbers like the Zika virus?

    1 like
  • Wow what a decode. Glad I came across you after seeing someone share one of your videos

    1 like
  • When I try to go to JewelyBlue.com I am sent to a web hosting service. Anybody else or am I doing something wrong?

    1 like
  • I already knew Merkel is Hitler's daughter, but i've never heard about Unity Mitford. So Allison Mack is Merkels daugter, i hope i understood that right. Wow! You are a great researcher, thank you for sharing your gift with us. Right now i'm binge watching!

    1 like
  • Those That claim they are jews are nothing but Nazi-Zionists. [Evil!] Symbolism is their downfall. Soap opera is probably training for bigger devils, different levels for bigger devils. Admiral Mike Roger's has said that we only know 2/3 of what he knows, if we knew what he knew it would Fug many up for some time. There's a reason why Israel is saved for last. Love โค๏ธ all you share! I pray ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ more see ๐Ÿ‘€ your work.

    1 like
  • First of all, Rachel's trifle looks NOTHING like the Guinness wedding cake (& has nothing to do with a TRUFFLE tattoo - what, they couldn't spell?). Then to connect Allison Mack with Merkel is just bizarre. And that Chandler is Ray C's baby daddy (or what was that supposed to represent?!?)? I was intrigued by your premise but way too many stretches here. (also, the editing at times is way too fast, other times just clunky with visuals that viewers can't process).

  • @JewelyBlue Have you ever seen the movie filmed in 1956 Featuring Doris Day & James Stewart in "THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH"?

  • @JewelyBlue Another "Days Of Our Lives" actress gone: Beloved Daytime Actress Dies At 67 Posted 5 months ago by Ben Turner Arleen Sorkin And look what famous FULL HOUSE actor she is /was friends with!