Indiana State Indianapolis: Wicked Catholic Defends His Sin, He Eventually Sits At My Feet, Sincere Christian Searches the Bible To Ensure I Am Speaking Truth & Rejoices At My Preaching, I Warn the Students of Trump Being The Anti Christ, Prophetic Da
University of South Alabama: When I Arrive On Campus Another Campus Preacher (Pastor Jacob) Was Already Preaching, After He Finishes I Preach For About An Hour, Give 200 Gospel Tracts To A Born Again Student Named Brian, Great Day of Gospel Preaching!
Ashayana Deane—HISTORY: “Jesus Christ” or Accurately Described [The Kryst (Yeshua-12 Melkizadek)], The False Cruci-FICTION, The 3 “Christs”, and the Creation of The Bible! ✷ Arguably the Most Sophisticated Esoteric Knowledge to Date
University of Cincinnati: Warning Students of Antichrist Donald Trump & Approaching 7 Year Tribulation, Handed Huge Stack of Gospel Tracts To Employee of University, Most Students Apathetic Zombies, Preaching Jesus Christ & His Blood