Jesus Christ | Just Another Man or Son of God?

2 months ago

Who is Jesus? Does He measure up to the Messianic prophecies of the Bible? Is Jesus God? Learn about the 70 weeks of Daniel, a prophecy that pinpoints the date of Messiah’s appearance and find out about the rabbinical curse that threatens those who would calculate the date. Explore the astronomical odds against one man fulfilling even just a few of the hundreds of Messianic prophecies. Professor Walter Veith unravels the ancient prophecies about the Messiah and compares them with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Consider the evidence and decide for yourself.

Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture:

Intro [00:00]
Claims By Jesus [1:10]
Scientific Probability of Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus [3:00]
Prophecies Concerning Jesus [4:11]
Historians On Jesus [15:22]
Sanctuary Points to Christ [17:12]
Equality of all / One way of Salvation thru Jesus Christ [19:05]
Speaks on Multiple Daniel Verses That he will cover later lectures [19:44]
70 Week Prophecy [26:03]
Rabbinic Curse [27:30]
70 Week Prophecy (cont'd) [29:00]
What Happens on the 70th week? [42:32]
Prophecies of Rejection [49:30]
What does the veil torn in two represent? [51:43]
What Happened in 34 AD? [53:17]
Cleansing of the Sanctuary [54:49]

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