The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators - T H E . J O H N S H O P K I N S . C E N T E R . FOR . H E A L T H . S E C U R I T Y
Operation Warp Speed | "Operation Warp Speed | "The Public Health Response Was A Militarized & Monetized Response. When Operation WARP SPEED Turned Over Its Organizational Charts, the Top Organization Was the NSA (A Spy Agency)." - RFK
The Weaponization Of Public Health - Existing Legal Framework For Global Depopulation: Presentation By Todd Callendar, Esq to The Government of The Republic Of Croatia
Ep. 81 ~ They’re still claiming the Covid vax is safe and effective. Yet somehow Dr. Pierre Kory treats hundreds of patients who’ve been badly injured by it. Why is no one in the public health establishment paying attention?