BRICS | "A VERY BIG POWER SHIFT Is Happening." - Purnima Anand (The President of the BRICS International Forum) | Saudi Arabia Joins BRICS, De-Dollarization Is Happening Now
BRICS | Are the BRICS Nations Setting Up the World for a Time When "No Man Might Buy Or Sell, Save He Had the Mark, Or the Mark, or the Name of the Beast, or the Number of His Name?"
BRICS | Russia, China Preparing New Gold-Backed Currency, "Global Central Bank Gold Purchases Leapt to Almost 400 Tons in Quarter 3." - November 1st 2022 (Read Below)
Inflation | Will the ACTIONs of BRICS Cause the COLLAPSE of the Dollar? BRICS and Global Push to Move Away from the U.S. Dollar Serving as the World's Reserve Currency?
BRICS | Why Did the United States of America Just Sell 136 Tons of Gold to China? Why Are China and Russia Working On Introducing a New Gold-Backed Currency?
Robert Kiyosaki | "The Great Reset Is the COLLAPSE of the U.S. Dollar." + President Trump’s Friend & Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Discusses: The CashFlow Quadrant, Biden Is a Communist, Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset & the Dollar Collapse
Adam Hardage | Why Is the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development Introducing “Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice?” BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) President States, “BRICS Has Evolved to Really Promote Global Governance?"