SIGHTINGS: U.S. Military Merging Alien Technology with Their Own, Investigating Alien Abductions—Are They Warning Humanity of Something?, and What is the True Face of Aliens?.. + More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
BREAKING: President Putin SHOCKED The World Today—Launching NEW-Tech Nuclear-Capable Warheads That "NATO Can't Stop", Biden Calls for His Own Impeachment (WATCH!), Matt Gaetz Withdraws His Appointment as A.G. + More! | Redacted News
RQSEANNE FIGURES OUT "Q"⁉️ Not Actually Likely, as This is Satire 😂 BUT to Her Credit She's Definitely Decoded a Major Facet of The Great Awakening—You Can Run From Your Own Self NO LONGER! Available Options: #AscensionOrImplosion