Knights in White Satin by The Moody Blues ~ The Lonely Life of a Knight's Templar

11 months ago

Justin Hayward has said many things about the origins and purpose of this absolutely BRILLIANT Song, from one of the Best Albums ever released (Days of Future Passed)...he has shared that it has an Important Hidden Meaning to it, that most wouldn't understand, and he has also said that it was about a time he once spent with a Beautiful Women, who gave him Silk Sheets for his own, and that the Song is a reflection of that period of time...

However, while something along those lines may have indeed occurred for Justin Hayward, it is absolutely NOT the purpose or reason for writing this Song...Justin and the entire Moody Blues Band, are Freemasons, and thru the Song, Justin Hayward is telling us that he is a Knights Templar, fighting this Modern Warfare against Satanism, within the Music Industry, by giving people INSPIRATION, Divine Beauty, Feelings of Love and Deep Emotion, by giving people the Truth about our True Nature, and thus, Hope for the Future of Mankind...

Now, what we MUST All Innerstand about All of these Brave and Selfless Men and Wombmen, is that by definition, they Live Couched Lives, as they must hide their True Identity, and while they travel a lot via touring, they also cannot take an Outsider into their Confidence, or get too close to another (outside of the Band), as their True Identities and Purpose cannot be Revealed...

Thus, in the Song, Nights in White Satin, the Real title would undoubtedly be KNIGHTS in White Satin, where the White Satin is an Allegory for Divinity and Acts of Divine Kindness, thru the Selfless, Strong, and Giving hands of the Knights Templar, Protectors of the Bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, and God's Warriors who will ALWAYS see His Will thru to Completion...

And in that famous First Verse (repeated as the Third Verse as well), Justin Hayward makes all of this clear, if you can correctly READ what is Written...

'Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send,
Beauty I'd always missed, with these eyes before,
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore...'

White Knights of God NEVER Reach the End of their Service to Him, as they Always have more to do, more to give...Love Letters that they might write, reflecting back upon those glorious nights in the Arms of a Beautiful Wombman, are NEVER sent, and for obvious reasons, but the writing of these Letters are necessary, as they are Healing and Soothing for their Souls to remember such Beauty in the Arms of a Wombman...but so often, this Beauty is MISSED, as they are so focused (myself included) upon their Work, which is the True Freemasonic Tradition, as they want their Creations of God's Truth to be as Perfect as possible...thus, Love and Beauty can be easily missed in another, with their absorption in 'Doing the Work' as per God's Will...and thus, just what the Truth is, can just as easily be missed by someone who is so focused upon their Work, in Lieu of Seeing and Loving the Beauty in another, as the Primary focus to Life...

Therefore, as I said in the Video, I created this as a Powerful Tribute to ALL of the Beautiful and Selfless Men and Wombmen who have SACRIFICED so much, so that so Many may come to Know God, and thus, Themselves, once more...

So to these Men and Wombmen, let us Heap GREAT PRAISE unto them for Noble Jobs WELL DONE, and for Giving so much of themselves, while asking for so Little to Nothing in Return...

To the Freemasons, to the Knights Templar, to the Priory of Sion, to the Order of the Cruciform Sword, We LOVE and APPRECIATE All that You have done to rid the World of Satanism, and Return Truth, Love and Beauty upon the Altar that we Hold Most Sacred...

With Love,


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