1 year agoSaints, Be NOT surprised at the Wicked; It is All For the Lord's Purpose #Rapture #Tribulationvietrandy
7 months agoWest Dallas 214-You got caught and you're going to pay with your life soon.BattleStarX101
2 months agoHIGH CLASS ATLANTA BLACK LAWYER COURTNEY COX, WHO “DATED” A THUG PASSION/BAD BOY ENDED UP SHOT & KILLED…🕎Ecclesiasticus 26:23 “A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man: but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord.”RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
2 years agoStanley Druckenmiller warns Deeper & Harder Recession in 23! Soft landing is a Myth as Deflation 2H.AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
1 year agoWhy OXY stock is Warren Buffett's FOREVER stock Occidental Petroleum? Do This Now! URGENT to profitAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
11 months agoI'm EXPOSING This* about Tesla stock no matter what! Just tried FSD V12.3 in a Tesla Model Y. $TSLAAudaciousMoneyWitch
1 year agoI win basically 100% of games cheaters trying to lose on purpose aren't in at this eloThe Gamer too good for the best in the world.
2 years agoHow many months are left until we get to deflation (negative CPI prints) in 2023 as inflation peakedAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
10 months agoPalantir Stock The Hottest AI Play just crashed! Why I'm about to Load Up PLTR stock at This* priceAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoWhy long-duration treasuries TLT (risk-off) are now UP more than the S&P 500 (risk-on)? Deflation!AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoWhy is smart money moving into bond right now? The disinflation pump will turn into a deflation dumpAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoHow Nuclear Fusion will defeat the painful inflation problem and replace crude oil once and for all!AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
3 years agoWatch for Wolves in the Church plus cover Hugh Hefner's Wicked Lifestyle, Final Days StudySJWellFire: Final Days Report
3 years agoChris Watts father- Papa Ronnie Watts "I love Those grandbabies to death. I love her (Shanann) too.”iSwear
1 year agoI exalt you my G-D Psalm and Tehillim #mixtape Why I laugh with G-D at the wicked.Marie Speaks G-D's Grace