I exalt you my G-D Psalm and Tehillim #mixtape Why I laugh with G-D at the wicked.

7 months ago

Has anyone else ever been in a season where it seems like..... "damn ......." Everyone hates me. well, maybe not everyone. But, certain people are going out of their way(it seems) to be really Jerky to you.... not only you but even your family or little family members?!? I know... its disgusting how some (Thank G-D, not all) can be very evil .

Singling out a child to bully. Or elderly to assault and murder.. Or focusing their evil tongues on spread lies and roamers. There are so many examples of sad pathetic evil deeds a bully of any age can do... and unfortunately be supported in. ugh!

Look, at the world around us....

How quick evil... all evil... would die and never return if only we would truly Fear G-D.

Now I'm an optimistic person , but even I have no choice to admit jerks or bullies come in all shapes and sizes and forms. This may be true....


And to this I say......

I will and do and continue to Exalt You my G-D! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

Dont lose hope.
The wicked of every form and level will receive all that they have earned. Especially, those have harmed the most vulnerable.

with love,

Mishlei (Proverbs) - Chapter 6

1My son, if you have stood surety for your fellow, have given your hand for a stranger,2you have been trapped by the sayings of your mouth; you have been caught by the sayings of your mouth.3Do this then, my son, and be saved for you have come into your fellow's palm; go, humble yourself and give your fellow superiority.4Give no sleep to your eyes nor slumber to your eyelids.5Save yourself like a deer from the hand and like a bird from the hand of the snare.6Go to the ant, you sluggard; see her ways and become wise,7for she has no chief, overseer, or ruler;8yet she prepares her bread in the summer; she gathers her food in the harvest.9O lazy one, how long will you lie [there]; when will you get up from your sleep?10"A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to lie."11And your poverty shall come like a fast walker and your want as an armed man.12An unscrupulous man, a man of violence, walks with a crooked mouth;13he winks with his eyes, shuffles with his feet, points with his fingers.14Contrariness is in his heart; he plots evil at all times; he incites quarrels.15Therefore, calamity shall come suddenly; he shall suddenly be broken beyond repair.16There are six things that the Lord hates, and the seventh is an abomination of His soul;17Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood;18a heart that thinks thoughts of violence; feet that hasten to run to evil;19[one who] speaks lies with false testimony and incites quarrels among brothers.20My son, keep the commands of your father, and do not forsake the instruction of your mother.21Bind them always upon your heart, tie them upon your neck.22When you walk, it shall lead you; when you lie down, it shall guard you, and when you awaken, it shall speak for you.23For a commandment is a candle, and the Torah is light, and disciplining rebukes are the way of life;24to guard you from an evil woman, from the smoothness of the alien tongue.25Do not covet her beauty in your heart, and do not let her captivate you with her eyelids.26Because a man is brought to a loaf of bread for a harlot, and a married woman will hunt a precious soul.27Can a man rake embers with his skirt without burning his clothes?28Or can a man walk on live coals without scorching his feet?29So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished.30They will not despise a thief if he steals to sate his appetite, for he is hungry.31And if he is found, he will pay sevenfold; he must give all he owns.32One who commits adultery with a woman is devoid of sense; one who would destroy his soul-he will do it.33He will find wounds and disgrace, and his reproach shall not be erased34for jealousy [shall arouse] the husband's wrath, and he will not have pity on the day of vengeance.35He will not have regard for any ransom, neither will he consent though you give him many bribes


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