7 months agoDark Winter Is Beginning Now... Luciferian(Masonic) Genocide Of Non-cUlt-Sworn People(By Food-Kill)T540p2
8 months agoDumb Protests Over Gay Shit Overwhelm Canadians Minds As Freemasons Secretly Collapse The NationJamesross1
2 months agoThey Lie... Quantum Computing Has Powered Brainchips For Over 50 YearsFree Your Mind Videos
3 months agoTrump Tower was Designed to Worship Ba'al and Ashera 33 Years Before Trumps PresidencyJamesross1
3 months agoKanada's Justin Castro-Trudeau is another Hapsburg Bloodline thUg Backstabbing Good PeopleJamesross1
5 months agoJohn Todd Was A 1970s Ex-Illuminati Witch... So he Tried to Explain "Order Out Of Chaos"Jamesross1
5 months agoDont Be Fooled... Trump is Just Following His NWOrders (By Luciferian Cahn or Serpent)Jamesross1
5 months agoMysteries of the Nibiruans: ET Bloodlines, Ancient Civilizations & Secrets of Humanity's OriginsUntold origins of humanity
2 months agoBA PHO MET means Soul-Arrives-(in-the)-Pyramid (by Dr. Sean Hross) or Luciferian Fake Mind-UploadingJamesross1
7 months agoThe Fiery Phoenix is an Oldest Occult Symbol Representing Ai (Exposing Dr. Sean Hross)x230think