2 years agoLook Like Jesus- Acts 5:1-11: You can fool everyone else, but you can't lie to the Holy SpiritFirst Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus-Acts 4:5-12-Making the Most of a Bad Situation!First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus- God is Not after Our Opinions, He's After Our Obedience!First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus- Essentials for Living for Christ!First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoGenesis Part 1: Not a Fairy Tale- "Man Apart From God"First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus- Acts 5:12-21: Signs and Wonders leading to...Jail Time?First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus-Baptism, Forgiveness of Sin, Receive the Holy Spirit...Then What?First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus- Acts 3:11-26-The Purpose of Gifts, Miracles, Signs and WondersFirst Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus- Is Jesus Capable of Violence?First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus-Why Context of Scripture MattersFirst Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoGenesis Part 1-Not a Fairy Tale- "In the Beginning"First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus-Acts 3:1-10 "I don't have silver and Gold, but what I have I give to you."First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus-What Hinders the Worship of the Church?First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoGenesis Part II- Choosing God's Promises Over Worldly RelationshipFirst Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus- Does God contradict Himself?First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoGenesis Part II: Abraham Believed, but Ran AheadFirst Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus-Can I Obsess Too Much Over Angels?First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoLook Like Jesus- Does the Tithe still have a purpose in the Church?First Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas
2 years agoGenesis: Not a Fairy Tale- God’s Righteousness: Judgment and GraceFirst Christian Church, Murfreesboro, Arkansas