"If You Want it You've Already Got it. If You Thought it, it Better Be What You Want! If You Feel it, IT MUST BE REAL..." (Law of Attraction) —Madonna. "You Will Stay with What You Have Created" (3D ⬌ 5D) —Dolores Cannon.
The Law of The Jungle is Always Honored by The Universe When Man Cannot Agree Upon it’s Own Established Laws. The Law of The Jungle is Nothing More Than God-Given Rights Uncivilized. Just as Righteous as God-Given Rights Civilly Displayed.
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: New York, Get Ready to Be Searched, Show Your VaxXx ID Card (New Virus Likely Coming), and Anything Else the National Guard Asks for as Democrats Prep for National Martial Law Starting with NY.
When the Worlds of Alex Jones and Law of Attraction Teachers Merge: Reset Wars! | Vibrationally Preparing for the Return of Mask Mandates and New Lockdowns
They are Reptilian-Gene'd From Secret South American Labs and Engineering Programs—#BackfillPeople. | Alex Jones: Illegal Aliens ABOVE THE LAW Walk Free After Attacking NYPD Officers!