Two-Tier Policing, Misinformation, and the Complicit Media: Britain’s Betrayal

7 months ago

The scenes that have unfolded across our country in recent days are nothing short of a national disgrace. From the violent unrest in Southport to the mass arrests in London, it’s clear that something is deeply rotten at the core of our society. But this rot goes far beyond the actions of a few disgruntled citizens. It is entrenched in our policing, perpetuated by those in power, and amplified by a mainstream media that has long since abandoned its duty to the public.

The Reality of Two-Tier Policing

Let’s not beat around the bush. The concept of two-tier policing in Britain is no longer a conspiracy theory whispered in quiet corners; it’s an observable fact. The events of the past week have laid this bare for all to see. In Southport, a horrendous act of violence occurred—three innocent children lost their lives, and eight others were grievously injured. Yet, where was the outrage? Where was the relentless pursuit of justice that we should expect from our law enforcement? Instead, the police seemed more concerned with quelling the righteous anger of the public than with addressing the heinous crime that sparked it.

Contrast this with the response to the protests in London. Riot police didn’t hesitate to engage in kettling tactics, deliberately provoking a reaction from an already aggrieved populace. Over 100 arrests were made, not for violent actions, but for daring to voice the anger that so many of us feel. The chants of “Rule Britannia” and “We want our country back” were met not with understanding, but with the full force of the law. This isn’t just a disparity; it’s a deliberate, targeted suppression of a particular segment of society—a segment that is fed up with being ignored, belittled, and betrayed by those in power.

Misinformation: The New Tool of Control

It’s no secret that those in authority have a vested interest in controlling the narrative. But the extent to which misinformation is now being used to pacify and manipulate the public is staggering. Take, for example, the way the Southport attack has been reported—or rather, how it hasn’t been reported. A 17-year-old, born in Cardiff but of Rwandan descent, commits an act of terror, within minutes - it was announced he has a history of mental health abd known to Intelligence services and yet the media and politicians alike seem more interested in silencing those who are outraged than in addressing the root causes of such violence.

Authorities have become masters of diversion, shifting the focus from their own failures to the reactions of the public. We’re told that the real threat comes not from terrorists or violent criminals, but from so-called “right-wing extremists” who dare to question the direction in which our country is headed. This is more than just misinformation; it’s a calculated attempt to discredit and silence any dissenting voices.

A Media Complicit in Its Silence

The role of the mainstream media in all of this cannot be overstated. Rather than fulfilling its duty to inform and scrutinise, the media has chosen to align itself with the very powers it should be holding to account. The coverage of recent events has been nothing short of scandalous. The focus has been overwhelmingly on vilifying those who protest, while the atrocities that prompted such protests are downplayed or ignored entirely.

It’s as if the media has taken it upon itself to be the moral arbiter of our nation, deciding which voices are acceptable and which should be silenced. This is not the free press that is supposed to be the cornerstone of our democracy; this is propaganda, pure and simple. The media’s betrayal of the public trust is perhaps the most insidious element of this entire debacle, as it leaves ordinary citizens with no reliable source of truth in an increasingly chaotic world.

The Public’s Outcry: More Than Just a Slogan

“We want our country back.” This isn’t just a rallying cry; it’s the collective voice of a nation that feels it has been sold out by its leaders, ignored by its police, and lied to by its media. The people of Britain are not extremists for wanting safety, security, and justice. They are not wrong for expecting their government to prioritise their well-being over political correctness. And they are certainly not misguided for demanding accountability from those in power.

What we are witnessing is not just a series of isolated incidents, but a broader pattern of institutional failure—a failure that must be addressed if we are to restore any semblance of trust in our public institutions. The time for excuses is over. The British people deserve better than a policing system that serves some while oppressing others, a government that misleads its citizens, and a media that abdicates its responsibility.

A Call to Action

The events of the past week should serve as a wake-up call for all of us. It is time to stand up and demand the change that our country so desperately needs. We must hold our police, our government, and our media to account. We must refuse to be silenced by those who seek to control us. And most importantly, we must continue to fight for the values that this country was built upon—values of Christianity, fairness, justice, and truth.

The British people have had enough, and it’s time for those in power to listen. If they won’t, then it’s up to us to make our voices heard, louder and clearer than ever before. This is our country, and we will not stand by as it is torn apart by those who are supposed to protect it.

Stan Robinson
Voice of Wales

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