3 years agoJeremiah13:12-27 Hear Ye, Give Ear and Be Not Proud - Jeremiah #14Jeremiah the Prophet by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
2 years ago🕎Amos 3; 2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
1 year agoMay 6, 2011 🎺 The Breach… Therefore FALL, says The Lord... Trumpet Call of GodTrumpet Call of God
1 year agoFebruary 1 Evening Devotional | Wonderful Love of Jesus | Morning and Evening by Charles SpurgeonRevive ScripturesVerified
1 year agoPsalm 44 - The Arm of the Flesh Versus the Arm of the SpiritPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
2 years agoOct 30, 2005 🎺 The Lord says... Cut these Cords that bind you to this World! For they tether you to SatanTrumpet Call of God
1 year agoApril 19, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... Take your Fill, you adulterous and wayward GenerationTrumpet Call of God