UK schoolboy blows 5p coin out of his nose - which was stuck for 10 YEARS

2 years ago

A schoolboy was left "completely shocked" after blowing a 5p coin out of his nose - which he claims was stuck up there for 10 YEARS.

Umair Qamar, now 14, says he vaguely remembers shoving the silver piece up a nostril a decade ago.

But, despite countless sore noses and trips to the doctor, the coin was never found, he says - until earlier this week.

The teenager, from Croydon, south London, says he felt something up his nose on Sunday (19/6), so blew hard.

And, to his surprise, a 5p coin emerged - jogging his memory back to when he was in his early years.

Umair said: "I think I got it stuck up there when I was three or four years old - I can't really remember.

"When I got over the shock of it all, I felt pure relief - but it definitely took me a while to get over the surprise!"

Umair says he trudged down the stairs holding his nose in pain earlier this week, as it was "hurting a bit more than usual".

He said: "I thought there was something stuck in there as I could feel something hard in my nose so I went back upstairs and held my left nostril, breathed in and then breathed out of my right one."

And, with cotton buds in both ears, Umair managed to breathe out so hard that the coin popped out of his nostril.

His mum Afsheen Qamar, 43, described the incident as "completely bizarre".

The nursery manager said: "It happened so randomly - I wasn't expecting it at all! I called him for lunch but he was holding his nose - so I told him to blow it.

"After 15 minutes he came back down, just stood there and said, 'well, a 5p coin came out'.

"We all stopped eating. I remember asking him, 'are you serious?'. He's a very laidback and quite serious child, so I'm sure you can imagine my shock".

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