2 years agoSeminar The Spirit Realms Part 3 Teaching Only 072922: Michael and Daniel. The heavenliesMichael W Smith Teachings
2 years agoSeminar The Spirit Realms Part 2 Teaching Only 072922: Excuses Won't Work With God!Michael W Smith Teachings
2 years agoSeminar The Spirit Realms Part 1 Teaching Only 072922: Daniel Is Not A TikTok User!Michael W Smith Teachings
5 years agoStrange Fire 012420:What's In Your Heart? Bitterness?Doubt?Unbelief?Michael W Smith Teachings
2 years agoSeminar The Spirit Realms 072922: Daniel Was Not A TikTok User! Excuses Don't Work With GodMichael W Smith Teachings
5 years agoSeminar Mental Illness Part 2 013120: Mental illness, Schizoeffective, Paranoid, Negative ThoughtsMichael W Smith Teachings
4 years agoDemon of Doubt 502220: Unbelief. Strongman destroying Christians. Fear.Michael W Smith Teachings
4 years agoSeminar Absolute Truths Part 1 062620: Holy Ghost.God's Love. Construction of How You're BuiltMichael W Smith Teachings
5 years agoSeminar Familiar Spirits Part 2 112219:The Big 7! Holy Laughter. Glory. Gold Dust. Fake Holy SpiritMichael W Smith Teachings
5 years agoStephen Phillip 081619: Honest.Wisdom.Integrity.Full of the Holy Ghost.Ready to enter.Michael W Smith Teachings
5 years agoSeminar PreTrib 083019: The End is Near. Todd Bentley. Familiar Spirits.AnointingMichael W Smith Teachings
2 years agoSaturday Deliverance Training Class with Bro Mike 032622: 2 Cor 10:3-6. War of the FleshSaturday Deliverance Training
3 years agoSaturday Deliverance Training Class 112721: Curses. Born Again. Baptisms.Demon LayersSaturday Deliverance Training
4 years agoPROPHETIC UPDATE: 7 Times Jubilee | Zari Banks, M.Ed | Dec. 27, 2020 - PWPPmizbanksVerified
2 years agoAuthor Reading, "Surviving the Occult" by Robyn Kranig / Satanic Ritual Abuse /SRA Testimony #ShortRitual Abuse Refuge
2 years agoBreaking Satanic Ritual Abuse Curses. Generational/Ritually Placed/Dissociative Identity DisorderRitual Abuse Refuge