Central Bank Digital Currencies | "We Know That We Can Construct a CBDC System Which Is a Mapping of An Individual to an Account. That Is Essential. We Cannot Exist Without That." - Agustín Guillermo Carstens (GM of BIS) - March 1st 2023
Yuval Noah Harari | "Direct Brain Computer Interfaces...Adding to the Body a Second Immune System Which Is Not Organic, But An Inorganic Immune System Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nano-Robots Inside Your Body." - Yuval Noah Harari
Sound Of Freedom - What Have You Done Since You've Seen The Movie To Stop The Child Sex Slave Trafficking? It's Time To Ban The Voting Machines & SAVE GOD'S CHILDREN!
Mike Adams, Robert Kiyosaki & Catherine Austin Fitts | Do Central Bank Digital Currencies End Freedom? Why Are Globalists Buying Up the Earth’s Gold NOW? Are CBDCs “The Mark of the Beast” System? Are Bank Bail-Ins & CBDCs Coming?
Artificial Intelligence | AI Banking? | "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Musk "The Financial System Will Become So Complicated As AI Takes Over." - Yuval Noah Harari
Bank Collapse | Are We Watching the Intentional Destruction of the Banking System? (With Lara Trump & Andrew Sorchini) + The Connection Between BRICS, Inflation and Central Bank Digital Currencies