Marco Travaglio smonta le bugie della propaganda USA in 50 secondi.Quando una cosiddetta patriota piace ai dem USA,il motivo è uno:non è una patriota che fa gli interessi del proprio popolo,ma dei suoi padroni
Devil State of Arizona Updates - Tyrannical Mari-Corruption County Board Of Supervisors Is Breaking The Law, Lying & Attacking The Grassroots...AGAIN! | RAY MICHAELS & BRIAN FERENCE
#156 ALL Political Power Is Inherent In The People - AZ Constitution | It's Time To STAND UP & Take Back Our POWER & Unconstitutional Elections NOW! | STEVE KOBRIN & MICHELE SWINICK
#97 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: CAGES - The Documentary With All The TRUTH BOMBS & FACTS About Child Sex Slave Trafficking In AZ + Corruption, Money Laundering, Election Fraud, Evil CPS, Politician POSes & Demonic Symbols | LEWIS HERMS