Minstrel Man (1944 Full Movie) | Musical/Drama | Benny Fields, Gladys George. | Summary: A vaudevillian (Benny Fields) mourns his wife, then is reunited years later with his long-lost daughter.
Even Donald Trump Jr. Says the "Good Guys" at the CIA/FBI Need to Speak Up, and Admits to His Once Delusions of America! | Tucker Carlson Interviews Don Jr. After His Father's Conviction
The AMORPHIC Secret of God: Alex Jones and Madonna BOTH (Whaaat?) Describe "God" ABSOLUTELY ACCURATELY and Perfectly! | Every Now and Then Alex Jones Refrains From Appeasing His Core Audience with His God-Fearing Act and Talks the Amorphic Truth
2021 FLASHBACK: To His Credit Mike Tried, and Still is. BUT it's the Collectively Held [Vibration] That Dictates Reality — E.g.: Rooting for Mike (AKA Aligned with His Mission) Vs. Hoping Mike Saves the Day (Powerless Unless a Hero Succeeds).