Former NBA Player Participates In ‘Shoe Game’ At His Wedding

6 years ago

Brandon Davies, a professional basketball player and his new wife Lenzie are too entertaining playing the newlywed "shoe game" at their wedding reception. This is a highly popular and hilarious way to entertain your wedding guests with an intimate question and answer game. Have you heard of the shoe game or attended a wedding where it was played? Was it as entertaining as it seems?

So what are the rules to this shoe game? First of all, the few materials needed makes it so easy to set up. Grab two chairs and set them back to back in the middle of the dance floor. Have a question list prepared and get the newlywed couple to exchange shoes. Each individual should have one of each shoe. To answer, you raise the shoe of either the yourself or your bride or groom to answer each "Who is…?" question.

In case individuals prefer not to use their shoes, they may be substituted with flags or something relevant to the wedding theme. Making your own paddles with faces of the bride and groom on them is a very fun and visually stimulating idea!

If you find yourself interested in the shoe game, but without a wedding to plan, this game could be introduced to many new circles. It is a great way to get to know one another, and the questions would be adapted from "who is" to something different.

You may have your guests write questions as they enter your reception to drop into a bucket, or have a list prepared in advance. Each question should start with "Who?" As in, "Who takes longer showers?" or "Who laughs the loudest at movies?" and so on. The responses from the bride and groom create an entertaining and intimate environment. Guests are entertained and the couple gets to celebrate the inner-workings of their relationship with loved ones, friends and family. You may find hundreds of examples of questions through a little wedding planning online research. The questions can be as straight and honest as you want, but if you have an older or more conservative crowd, a prepared list may be your best bet!

The game can last as long as you want, yet it is suggested 10-15 minutes is appropriate. You never know who you may inspire to swap shoes.

The game provides a fun narrative to "tying the knot" as well as the ideology of "walking in another's shoes" emphasizing compassion and understanding. As a girl planning a wedding myself, I think this is an outstanding idea!

If you are interested in this game, you also may find fun in the idea of wedding table games such as truth or dare or mad libs; creating a contest to share the funniest lines created. How about with an “I spy” wedding game sharing the funniest accounts witnessed with your guests at a later date? This would be a great day to keep the fond memories of your special day fresh in their head. Maybe you share the outcome in your thank you card!

Your wedding day is the biggest day of your life. Make it special, make it you. If you love to laugh and share special moments with your friends and family. Definitely explore the plethora of game ideas available for you to play. Play the shoe game with your friends and family before your wedding to test their reactions! Anything goes!

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