1. Nephilim/HaGibbororim/Gigantes Returning, The Giant is a ploy for acceptance. Gen 6:4, MT 24:37

    Nephilim/HaGibbororim/Gigantes Returning, The Giant is a ploy for acceptance. Gen 6:4, MT 24:37

  2. DIVOC A.I. -COVID 19 It's all tied together, end times deception (demon possession/fallen angels)

    DIVOC A.I. -COVID 19 It's all tied together, end times deception (demon possession/fallen angels)

  3. Israel fight for Zion is fulfilled through Jesus Christ - (Rev 3:9, Is 49:23, Is 60:14, Jn 18:36)

    Israel fight for Zion is fulfilled through Jesus Christ - (Rev 3:9, Is 49:23, Is 60:14, Jn 18:36)
