Culture War | Former Marine and Executive VP Died and Saw Jesus | Came Back to Life and Became Pastor | Guest: Pastor Dave Scarlett | Founder of His Glory Ministry
Culture War | Countries Demand the World Health Organization Pay to Play | Money for Pandemic Pathogens? | James Roguski | Lose Bodily Sovereignty When Traveling? | How to Activate LOCALLY to Protect Our Rights and Freedoms
Culture War | “Godly Defiance” | Jen Brusa | Courageous Single Mom Defies 2020 Lockdowns to Keep New Business Open to Feed Her Boys | Beloved Cheesecakes
Culture War | Kammunist Kamala Harris? | What Have You Done For Me Lately? | Dr. Edwin Vieira | Harvard Law Graduate & Constitutional Attorney | Price Controls & Unrealized Capital Gains Taxes
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Cult” - 1610s, "worship, homage" 1670s, "a particular form or system of worship;" (17c.), "care, labor; cultivation, culture; The word was rare after 17c., but it was revived mid-19c.
Culture War | TRANS OKLAHOMA | Gabe Woolley | How Do Kids Get Captured by Transgenderism Even in Christian Homes | How Do They Escape? | What YOU Can DO
Culture War | Former Atheist and U.S. Navy Fighter Pilot Opens Catholic Classical School | Lt. Commander Ali Ghaffari | Fighting for the American Renaissance of Truth From Faith | Divine Mercy Academy
Culture War | Will QUARANTINE CAMPS Be Legal in New York State? | Guest: Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox | Rule 2.13 | Unchecked Power | “Pray That The Constitution is Upheld”