Does TRUMP & MAGA Care about Our Rights? News & More.... - Mar. 26, 2024

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(2:00) Our "justice system" — not merely a double standard, but a third standard for the rest of us
Trump has a big win in appeals court over bond amount
Does it indicate the appeal court will lean in his favor?
Will MAGA or conservative media ever be concerned about excessive fines, property taken with "due process later", or "civil asset forfeiture" — or does it only matter when it's Trump?
Does Trump care about OUR due process?
How the feds partner with state and local government to STEAL property from citizens without due process and SPLIT the booty
At MSNBC it's not just Rona McDaniels, Michael Steele also a former RNC head has worked for and with Dems for years
(22:12) Do we want leaders with character or a cartoon character villain? Famous con-artist and liar, George Santos, is hailed as a MAGA hero by Gateway Pundit as he talks of running again
(33:37) Clinton advisor James Carville says the problem with the Democrat Party is "preachy women"

(58:23) WATCH LaLa Harris trolled & clueless in Puerto Rico

(1:00:08) Election Rigging
A secret conspiracy of Attorneys General in 6 states
An open conspiracy of the 2 parties to rig elections
Man changes his name to "Literally Anyone Else" and Mr. Else wants to get on the ballot. But it's Mission Impossible
(1:16:11) EPA & San Francisco Dump Raw Sewage Into the Bay The unconstitutional agency was created to protect the environment. It has become a destroyer of the environment, a polluter of water as it shifts it's mission to the "Energy Prohibition Agency"

(1:23:51) Democrat Climate "Expert" Surfer Dude Doesn't Even Know What CO2 Is
Senator Kennedy dismantles Democrats' surfer dude "expert" witness. WaPo says AGAIN, it's the "end of snow" even as Switzerland cancels one alpine competition after another due to too much snow.

(1:42:04) EPA Killed All the Dam Fish
More incompetence and mismanagement

(1:45:12:) An EV Ambulance — Could There Ever Be a WORSE Idea?
People are dying to get a ride. And, after several State Attorneys General sue companies over ESG fraud, putting ESG above profits

(1:59:17) Cannibalism, Rewiring Childhood, and Canada Censoring the Bible on Facebook
Facebook in Canada censors Bible quote for Ramadan
Gen Z is being destroyed by smartphones and social media says secular psychologists — A "Great Rewiring of Childhood", "an epidemic of mental illness"
The Guardian made a great case 20 years ago that Bhutan went from essentially crime-free to crime spree with the introduction of TV and Western Culture
Alleged Cannibalism in Abortion Clinic
(2:36:31) "Christ is King" Called Anti-Semitism by Daily Wire Host WATCH Andrew Klavan, Daily Wire, doubles down on the firing of Candace Owens. Klavan says he's a Jewish convert to Christianity but he's clearly lost the plot of who Jesus is, why He came, and what's important in life

(2:52:05) Church of England female Archdeacon does her version of a Marxist struggle session for the C-of-E, demanding "anti-whiteness". And in Boston, back clergy leaders demand white churches pay reparations. They have NO IDEA what the gospel is, what Jesus did at the cross, and what God requires US to forgive

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