Brave young "Disabled" Canadian man shares how he feels about MAiD (Medical Assisted in Dying) being offered with such a low threshold to be eligible. - We Need More Like This Young Man!
Mike in the Night 475, New Years Party, Call ins ,2023 The year of Government Sanctioned Murder, Edwardo Flies a drone, Art by Dano Explains California downfall, Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Crimes in Florida, as Australian Senator demands Inve
Yorkshire, England: Man uses a cordless angle grinder to cut down a surveillance camera, the day after it was installed in his neighbourhood. This is what we will have to do to the cameras that make '15 minute cities' possible
Liberal M.P. John McKay: Canada is UNDER Multiple Existential Threats by the CCP. - "It's in the police, it's in the universities, it's in the schools" it's everywere!
It Took Pfizer Over 100 Years to Surpass $40 Billion in Annual Revenue Before COVID - Ed Dowd. But just last year, in 2022, they surpassed $100 billion in revenue.
#BiodigitalConvergence Trudeau on AI in health care, quantum computing and vaccines: “The amount of computing power required to even begin to simulate clinical trials in a way that’s going to show promising paths is massive.” ⚠️
“We can’t force them to tell the truth. But we can make them lie more blatantly”. When we expose them and speak the truth, it will make their lies even more obvious! Keep up the pressure!
Springfield, Ohio, USA. A major train derailment has occurred in Springfield, OH near the Clark County Fairgrounds. A Large Hazmat and emergency responder presence is on scene.
What makes you think they will treat Civilians any different when the "Government" sicks the military on its own citizens??? -MINDLESS ORDER FOLLOWERS!
In 2016, Victoria Nuland told Congress that US advisors serve in 12 Ukrainian ministries, US-trained police operate in 18 Ukrainian cities, the US Treasury helped close 60 Ukrainian banks, and the US spent $266 million on training Ukrainian soldiers.
Your self-appointed technocratic overlords are attempting to construct a digital open air prison all around you. Not "up to date" with your injections? Exceeded your weekly carbon allowance? Social credit score too low? Committed a thought crime