Mike in the Night 475, New Years Party, Call ins ,2023 The year of Government Sanctioned Murder, Edwardo Flies a drone, Art by Dano Explains California downfall, Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Crimes in Florida, as Australian Senator demands Inve

2 years ago

n Will Covid Jab Injuries Be Addressed?

Then there are the “vaccine” injuries, which according to Senator Rennick now number around 140,000, “more than all the injuries reported from vaccines since 1971.” Yet despite this shocking discrepancy, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) — just as the Food and Drug Administration and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the US — refuses to look at or even acknowledge the signal.

“[That’s] the whole point of having a database where doctors report these injuries, where they tick the box ‘Suspected [vaccine injury]’ — and as the doctors say, they don’t fill these forms out because they have spare time … no, they’re ticking these boxes because they believe the vaccine caused the injury they’re reporting — and yet the TGA wants to pretend that there’s nothing to see here.” Rennick says.

And why wouldn’t they? Because professor [John] Skerritt [director of the TGA] is head of an organisation that is funded by Big Pharma. If you want to talk about a conflict of interest, that’s it …

For the past 15 months, I’ve been contacted by people who have had their lives destroyed by the vaccine, a vaccine the government said was safe and effective. And if that isn’t bad enough … you people in this chamber here today, didn’t read the documents …

You took control over other people’s bodies because it suited your control and command narrative. You showed no humanity. There are people out there that are not only injured, they have lost their jobs and they cannot get medical support. Husbands and wives … had to quit their jobs to stay home and look after [them] … [They’re] in an incredible amount of pain …

The fact that the Green Party can sit in that corner over there and mock and laugh at the vaccine injured — These people aren’t anti-vaxxers. They believed what the government told them, as I did when I first got here. But I tell you what, it’s nothing but a cesspit of lies in this place.

Chief Health Officer Hasn’t Read Key Science Reports

Senator Rennick reviews how he asked Professor Brendan Murphy, who was the chief health officer at the time, whether he’d actually read the nonclinical trial report for the Pfizer shot. As it turns out, he had not. And because he hadn’t, what he told the public was complete make-believe.

“These guys have NO IDEA what they are talking about,” Rennick says. “[Murphy] had been saying … that the spike protein wasn’t in the blood. Well, had he read the report he would have known that they never tested [for] the spike protein.”

He would have also known that when they did the animal trials, the report said there was no difference in lung inflammation between the placebo group and the vaccinated group after nine days. There was not one [wit] of evidence that showed the vaccine was effective.

But did anyone in this chamber … actually read that report? I bet you not. But you all went out there and said it was safe and effective when you didn’t have a clue what you were talking about.

Shame on you, because the law in this country, in the Australian Immunisation Register, says you cannot be coerced into taking a vaccine, No. 1, and No. 2 is that you need to be properly informed about what is in the vaccine …

[T]hat spike protein in the vaccine isn’t even the same as in the virus. No, no, no, they’ve actually changed one of the nucleotides and they’ve got a synthetic gene in the vaccine … which is designed to make it last longer.

Senator Rennick points out that when it was discovered that the spike protein load doubled in the ovaries between Day 1 and Day 2 after the injection, they simply stopped the trial and continued to say that the spike protein stayed at the site of injection, which was a blatant lie.

Uninformed Politicians Are Misinformation Superspreaders

Senator Rennick continues:

If you want to talk about misinformation, go check out page 44 of the Pfizer nonclinical trial report. It was released on the TGA FOI disclosure log 239-6 … You should also read the top paragraph on Page 8 that says the study suggests the spike protein can either be inserted into the membrane or secreted from the cell.

What does that tell you? … It tells you that rather than actually killing the actual pathogen, which is what a normal vaccine would have done, this particular vaccine goes inside your cell, takes over the reproduction of the ribosome, which is what produces the protein, and then starts producing more of the toxic substance.

That is not the name of the game. You would want to actually kill the virus. You do not want to reproduce it. And of course, Murphy, the chief health officer, claims that there is nothing to worry about. He never read the document.

And then we got professor [Paul] Kelly [deputy chief medical officer for the Australian Department of Health] … he came out and made the bold statement that it stops transmission. Well, he was LYING, because the FDA [US Food and Drug Administration] came out [on] 20 December and said there was NO evidence that the vaccine stopped transmission.

The Shots Actually Have Negative Effectiveness

We now have data showing that not only do the shots not prevent infection or transmission, but they have negative effectiveness. Their effectiveness rapidly wanes,3,4 and after 90 days, both Moderna’s and Pfizer’s shots make you MORE susceptible to Covid.

As shown in the graphic5 below, Danish data reveal Omicron cases among the vaccinated rose dramatically after three months for both injections, giving Pfizer a negative effectiveness of 76.5% at 90 days post-“vaccine” and Moderna a 39.3% negative effectiveness. #mikeinthenight
Mike in the Night 475, New Years Party, Call ins ,2023 The year of Government Sanctioned Murder, Edwardo Flies a drone, Art by Dano Explains California downfall, Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Crimes in Florida, as Australian Senator demands Investigation into Corruption,

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