🚨 BREAKING 🚨 Illuminati Plans Q-Narrative REVERSAL, Using The Military and Martial Law on America—Which Q-Tards Ask You to STAY PUT for and Discard Your Physical/Spiritual Sovereignty (a Result of Their Savior-Complex!) | Redacted News
🔥🔥LIVE - Exclusive With Dr. Chris Martenson Of Peak Prosperity! From Medical Fascism, To Financial Warfare & A New 21st Century Slavery. Survival Guide 101!🔥🔥
The U.S. WILL Break Up; Without Question! (How This "Crash Lands" and How to Survive it!) — Martin Armstrong | WE in 5D: Nobody Says Humanity Doesn't Win, But it Doesn't Win by Lying to itself! America IS The Whore of Babylon ⬇
Excerpts Brad's genius analysis (Full Spectrum Survival) China's Militia/Civilian Veterans work with Gov. forces while America's deeply divided. Prophetically more proof America cannot win