1. [Experiment Build & Test 4] "The Choke”/ Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Build /#Gameplay of #Division2

    [Experiment Build & Test 4] "The Choke”/ Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Build /#Gameplay of #Division2

  2. First Rogue /Hercules PART 2- "Rooftop Gardens"/Ouro-Heartbreaker-RPK-Drone Bld/#Gameplay #Division2

    First Rogue /Hercules PART 2- "Rooftop Gardens"/Ouro-Heartbreaker-RPK-Drone Bld/#Gameplay #Division2

  3. CAMP WHITE OAK / Eagle's Grasp-Sleipnir-Ouroboros / #Gameplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    CAMP WHITE OAK / Eagle's Grasp-Sleipnir-Ouroboros / #Gameplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  4. THE MAST Control Point /Sleipnir-Ouroboros Bld - Weapen Handling Variant #Gameplay of #Division2 #wz

    THE MAST Control Point /Sleipnir-Ouroboros Bld - Weapen Handling Variant #Gameplay of #Division2 #wz

  5. First Rogue / Hercules PART 3 - MLK Memorial Library / St. Elmo-Banshee Build /#Gameplay #Division2

    First Rogue / Hercules PART 3 - MLK Memorial Library / St. Elmo-Banshee Build /#Gameplay #Division2

  6. NYX PART 7-Federal Emergency Bunker/FIRST ROGUE/Sleipnir-Ouro Bld /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

    NYX PART 7-Federal Emergency Bunker/FIRST ROGUE/Sleipnir-Ouro Bld /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

  7. NYX PART 4 - K St. Northwest / FIRST ROGUE /Sleipnir-Ouro Build /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    NYX PART 4 - K St. Northwest / FIRST ROGUE /Sleipnir-Ouro Build /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  8. Stranded Tanker & Killed by Rogues / Sleipnir-Ouroboros Variant /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    Stranded Tanker & Killed by Rogues / Sleipnir-Ouroboros Variant /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  9. [REANIMATED] Solo Invaded ViewPoint Museum /Ouro-Sleipnir /01-09-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

    [REANIMATED] Solo Invaded ViewPoint Museum /Ouro-Sleipnir /01-09-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

  10. Time for my fav global event - REANIMATED! / West Potomac Park Sweep /28-08-24 /#Gameplay #Division2

    Time for my fav global event - REANIMATED! / West Potomac Park Sweep /28-08-24 /#Gameplay #Division2

  11. Two Control Points (THE VAULT & TOXIC ALLEY) /Elmo-Striker /21-08-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

    Two Control Points (THE VAULT & TOXIC ALLEY) /Elmo-Striker /21-08-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

  12. [GUARDIANS] Clearing the Vault & Ellipse Fuel Depot / 16-09-24 / #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    [GUARDIANS] Clearing the Vault & Ellipse Fuel Depot / 16-09-24 / #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  13. [GUARDIANS] Solo Invaded Jefferson Trade Center / 16-09-24 / #Gameplay of #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    [GUARDIANS] Solo Invaded Jefferson Trade Center / 16-09-24 / #Gameplay of #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  14. NEW VENICE & Elite Convoy with Guardians buff/Ouro-Sleipnir/14-09-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

    NEW VENICE & Elite Convoy with Guardians buff/Ouro-Sleipnir/14-09-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

  15. NYX PART 1- 23rd St. Northwest /FIRST ROGUE /Sleipnir-Ouro /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    NYX PART 1- 23rd St. Northwest /FIRST ROGUE /Sleipnir-Ouro /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  16. NYX PART 3 - New Venice / FIRST ROGUE / Sleipnir-Ouro Build / #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    NYX PART 3 - New Venice / FIRST ROGUE / Sleipnir-Ouro Build / #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  17. AMERICAN HISTORY MUSEUM / Eagle's Grasp-Sleipnir-Ouroboros / #Gameplay of #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    AMERICAN HISTORY MUSEUM / Eagle's Grasp-Sleipnir-Ouroboros / #Gameplay of #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  18. [HOLLYWOOD] Downtown West Sweep/ Basic Elmo-Striker Build / 14-08-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #tomclancy

    [HOLLYWOOD] Downtown West Sweep/ Basic Elmo-Striker Build / 14-08-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #tomclancy

  19. NYX PART 5 - Riverside Gas Station/FIRST ROGUE/Sleipnir-Ouro Bld/#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

    NYX PART 5 - Riverside Gas Station/FIRST ROGUE/Sleipnir-Ouro Bld/#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

  20. 2022-08-21 - Nothing Wrong With Weakness - Luke 13:10-17

    2022-08-21 - Nothing Wrong With Weakness - Luke 13:10-17

  21. Potomac Event Center / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone & LMG /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

    Potomac Event Center / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone & LMG /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

  22. [Experiment Bld + Test 1] +130% Health-All Red Core /"Ivy Tunnel" /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

    [Experiment Bld + Test 1] +130% Health-All Red Core /"Ivy Tunnel" /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy

  23. THEY BROKE LMGS / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone & Devil's Due-LMG /#Gameplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy

    THEY BROKE LMGS / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone & Devil's Due-LMG /#Gameplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy
