Derek Johnson | Dear Derek Johnson, "It’s time EVERYONE knows 🎯 Many already knew or speculated but it’s high time. 💯🇺🇸"? (In Reference to General Flynn) READ:
CBDC | Did the International Monetary Fund Unveil the 'Unicoin' at the International Monetary Fund Spring Meeting? The ENTIRE BANKING SYSTEM Explained In 2 Minutes & 20 Seconds | Who Is the BIG BOSS OF BANKING?
Yuval Noah Harari | Klaus Schwab Lead Advisor & Klaus Schwab Himself, "Humans Are Now Hackable Animals. Free-Will Is Over" & "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take the Gene-Editing."
John Stockton | Does America Need a TOUGH Pick & Roll? | NBA Hall-of-Famer John Stockton, General Flynn and Dr. Simone Gold | What Is John Stockton Doing to Fight for Medical Freedom? + What Is General Flynn Doing to Fight for Justice In America?