Alex Jones | "What I really need because it's real and it's paramount, it's central, is your prayer for God's will to be done, because I want to continue Infowars. The subterfuge makes what happened at Project Veritas look tame.&
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Not Currencies. CBDCs Are a Financial Transaction Control Grid. You Can Have Your Money Turned Off." - C. Fitts + "It's End of the Dollar, Wiping Out Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds."
CBDC | "Attention Americans, Your Money, Your Privacy, Your Future All At Risk With Central Bank Digital Currencies or CBDC." - Colonel Douglas Macgregor + "SWIFT Announced They Are Setting Up a CBDC Platform In 12-24 Months."
CBDCs | "Once the Central Bank Digital Currencies Link to All of Your Credit Cards & Bank Accounts, Then Social Controls Can Be Implemented. t Is Literally A Prison Planet." Ed Dowd (Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager) + BRICS & CBDCs Ex
Jackson Hole, WY | Central Bankers In Wyoming? Are They Gathering to Visit the Jackson Hole Wendy's? Quantum Dot, Quant.Network, Quantum Stamps, China & Russia's Quantum Satellite Link & Graphene-Based Semiconductors?
Dollar Collapse | "Central Banks In 2022 & 2023 Bought Something Like 50% or 60% More Gold Than They Had Bought In Any of the Previous 10 Years. They See That the Western Currencies Might Have to Be Reset." - Clive Thompson
Agustín Carstens | Who Is Agustín Carstens? Who Is the REAL Agustín Carstens? “Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control On the Rules & Regulations That Will Determine the Use of (currency) That Central Bank Liability." - Agustín Carstens
Business Conference | Celebrating 2.5x Growth of Arizona's Body Central Physical Therapy & + Is This Your Year to Thrive? Join Eric Trump & Robert Kiyosaki At Clay Clark's March 6-7 Business Conference!
Joe Rogan & Ice Cube Discuss Central Bank Digital Currencies | The Great Financial Reset | The Connection Between Central Bank Digital Currencies, Surveillance Under the Skin, BRICS & Universal Basic Income
Dollar Collapse | The Complete Deep Dive | "Hundreds of US Banks At Risk of Failure. 282 US Banks At Risk." - CNBC (5/1/24) "There Will Be Bank Failures." - Chair of Federal Reserve + "98% of Central Banks to Launch CBDCs." -
Brianna Ladapo | Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo's Wife Brianna Ladapo Shares About How She & Her Husband Saw Through the Deception of COVID-19 + Are Central Bank Digital Currencies Already HERE?!
Central Bank Digital Currencies | The History of Beginning And Ending of the U.S. Petrodollar (Petrodollar R.I.P. - 1971 - 2023?) | FedNow & the Birth of Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies
Whitney Webb and Jimmy Dore warn that central bank digital currencies will be used to monitor all financial transactions and control how people can spend their money
CBDCs | Bo Li (Deputy Managing Director) Explains Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies "Transaction Data Can Be Utilized by Service Providers In Credit Underwriting In Terms of How Many Coffees I Drink Per Day, Where I Buy Coffee.."